Editor API
UnigineEditor public API
1 // Copyright (C), UNIGINE. All rights reserved.
2 // DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY. This is an auto-generated file. Your changes will be lost.
4 #pragma once
6 #include <UniginePtr.h>
7 #include <UnigineString.h>
8 #include <UnigineVector.h>
10 #include "UnigineEditorGlobal.h"
12 namespace UnigineEditor
13 {
16 class UNIGINE_EDITOR_API Collection : public Unigine::APIInterface
17 {
18 public:
21  enum TYPE
22  {
24  TYPE_NONE = 0,
33  };
35  static Unigine::Ptr<Collection> create();
37  void clear();
40  bool isEmpty() const;
44  bool hasValue(const char *value_name) const;
46  Unigine::Vector<Unigine::String> getNames() const;
50  bool remove(const char *value_name);
53  Collection::TYPE getType(const char *value_name) const;
57  void setBool(const char *value_name, bool value);
61  bool getBool(const char *value_name, bool default_value = false) const;
65  void setInt(const char *value_name, int value);
69  int getInt(const char *value_name, int default_value = 0) const;
73  void setFloat(const char *value_name, float value);
77  float getFloat(const char *value_name, float default_value = 0) const;
81  void setString(const char *value_name, const char *value);
85  Unigine::String getString(const char *value_name, const char *default_value = nullptr) const;
86 };
87 typedef Unigine::Ptr<Collection> CollectionPtr;
89 } // namespace UnigineEditor
This class is used to represent a collection of values (boolean, integer, float, or string) that can ...
Definition: UnigineCollection.h:16
Value type.
Definition: UnigineCollection.h:21
Boolean value type.
Definition: UnigineCollection.h:26
String value type.
Definition: UnigineCollection.h:32
Integer value type.
Definition: UnigineCollection.h:28
Float value type.
Definition: UnigineCollection.h:30