Global Illumination
This section contains settings related to global illumination including SSAO (screen-space ambient occlusion), SSGI (screen-space global illumination) and bent normals.本节包含与全局照明有关的设置,包括SSAO(屏幕空间环境光遮挡),SSGI(屏幕空间全局照明)和弯曲法线。
SSRTGI ParametersSSRTGI参数#
The SSRTGI (Screen-Space Ray-Traced Global Illumination) technology is a set of screen-space ray tracing techniques with the real-time performance level. The technology doesn't require light baking, so every object can be freely moved. In other words, SSRTGI is real-time global illumination in the screen space.SSRTGI (Screen-Space Ray-Traced Global Illumination)技术是一组具有实时性能水平的屏幕空间光线跟踪技术。该技术不需要烘烤,因此每个对象都可以自由移动。换句话说,SSRTGI是屏幕空间中的实时全局照明。
The technique implements real ray-tracing through each pixel of the screen, with a given number of rays and a specified accuracy of obstacle detection (the accuracy is set by using steps). Such ray-tracing is used for Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) to make more realistic shadows between objects, for Bent Normals to smooth ambient lighting on edges, and for SSGI to recreate light reflections from the object's surfaces.该技术通过给定的光线数量和指定的障碍物检测精度(通过使用步骤设置精度)来实现通过屏幕每个像素的真实光线跟踪。 )。这种光线跟踪用于环境光遮挡(SSAO)在对象之间制作更逼真的阴影,Bent Normals平滑边缘的环境光,并且SSGI重建物体表面的光反射。
Enabled | 开启和关闭SSRTGI。 |
Fast Tracing | Toggles fast tracing for the SSRTGI on and off. This option dynamically changes the step size to obtain indirect illumination bounces using a low number of steps while keeping performance high. However, tiny objects may be ignored. Disabling this option improves quality, but significantly reduces performance. 开启和关闭SSRTGI的快速跟踪。此选项可动态更改步长大小,以使用较少的步长获得间接照明反射,同时保持较高的性能。但是,微小的物体可能会被忽略。禁用此选项可以提高质量,但会大大降低性能。 |
Increased Accuracy | Toggles increased accuracy of ray tracing for the SSRTGI on and off. This option reduces visual artifacts by increasing accuracy of the last step. 切换打开和关闭SSRTGI的光线跟踪的准确性。此选项通过提高最后一步的准确性来减少视觉伪影。 |
Resolution | Resolution of the SSRTGI. This option significantly affects performance.
Resolution Depth | Resolution of the depth buffer used for SSRTGI calculation. This option significantly affects performance.
Quarter — quarter resolution (by default) Half — half resolution Full — full resolutionTo gain performance, this option can be set to lower values while enabling the Increased Accuracy option.用于SSRTGI计算的深度缓冲区的分辨率。此选项会严重影响性能。
To gain performance, this option can be set to lower values while enabling the Increased Accuracy option.To gain performance, this option can be set to lower values while enabling the Increased Accuracy option.
To gain performance, this option can be set to lower values while enabling the Increased Accuracy option.为了获得性能,可以在启用Increased Accuracy选项的同时将此选项设置为较低的值。 |
Noise Step | Intensity of the step noise used for SSRTGI calculation. This parameter is used to reduce the banding effect of tracing by using the noise: the higher is the value, the less pronounced the banding effect is.用于SSRTGI计算的阶跃噪声强度。此参数用于通过使用噪声来降低跟踪的条带效应:值越高,条带效应越不明显。 |
Noise Ray | Intensity of the ray noise used for SSRTGI calculation. This parameter is used to reduce the banding effect on the final image by using the noise: the higher is the value, the less pronounced the banding effect is.用于SSRTGI计算的射线噪声强度。此参数用于通过使用噪声来减少对最终图像的条纹效果:值越高,条纹效果越不明显。 |
Num Rays | Number of rays of SSRTGI traced per pixel that are used to calculate the final image. Using more rays provides a more precise SSRTGI calculation and a smoother picture, however, it is more expensive.每个像素跟踪的SSRTGI的光线数,用于计算最终图像。使用更多的射线可以提供更精确的SSRTGI计算和更平滑的图像,但是,它更昂贵。 |
Num Steps | Number of steps of SSRTGI per ray used for trace calculation. The higher the value, the further the tracing is performed, resulting in wider gradients. However, this option significantly affects performance.用于跟踪计算的每射线SSRTGI的步数。值越高,执行的跟踪越多,导致渐变越宽。但是,此选项会严重影响性能。 |
Step Size | Size of the trace step used for SSRTGI calculation. The higher the value, the longer the trace is and the more accurate obstacles are accounted. Increasing the value results in smoother gradients on small objects. However, tiny objects may be missed. The lower the value, the more detailed tiny objects are.用于SSRTGI计算的跟踪步骤的大小。值越高,走线越长,障碍物越准确。增大该值可以使小物体上的渐变更平滑。但是,可能会遗漏微小的物体。值越低,细小对象越详细。 |