In order to protect your source code and content, you are recommended to use the Archiver tool to archive your resources into UNG archives. It implements data encrypting to avoid unauthorized access and provides a password protection.为了保护您的源代码和内容,建议您使用Archiver工具将资源归档到UNG归档文件中。它实现了数据加密以避免未经授权的访问,并提供了密码保护。
Protected packages are entirely loaded into memory, no data streaming is available for them.受保护的程序包已完全加载到内存中,没有可用的数据流。
To protect resources, you need to create an archive with the password specified and pass the same password on engine initialization. The workflow is as follows:为了保护资源,您需要使用指定的密码创建档案,并在引擎初始化时传递相同的密码。工作流程如下:
- Create an UNG archive with the specified password. For example, to create an archive named files.ung with the 12345 password that contains the textures directory, pass the following CLI:
ung_x86 -o files.ung -d textures -p 12345
命令行ung_x86 -o files.ung -d textures -p 12345
- Specify the same password to be passed on engine initialization in the <your_project_name>.cpp file:
源代码 (C++)
#include <UnigineEngine.h> #include "AppSystemLogic.h" #include "AppWorldLogic.h" #include "AppEditorLogic.h" #ifdef _WIN32 int wmain(int argc,wchar_t *argv[]) { #else int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { #endif Unigine::EnginePtr engine(argc,argv, "<your_project_name>", "12345"); AppSystemLogic system_logic; AppWorldLogic world_logic; AppEditorLogic editor_logic; engine->main(&system_logic,&world_logic,&editor_logic); return 0; }
注意On engine initialization, you can pass NULL as the 4th argument if you don't need that data is stored in user profile:If you pass a project name during engine initialization, this means the engine will store its rewritable data (such as logs, cache and configuration files) in user profile (in C:\Users\<username> on Windows or in /home/<username> on Linux) rather than <UnigineSDK/bin/ or <UnigineSDK/data/ folders. If you pass a project name during engine initialization, this means the engine will store its rewritable data (such as logs, cache and configuration files) in user profile (in C:\Users\<username> on Windows or in /home/<username> on Linux) rather than <UnigineSDK/bin/ or <UnigineSDK/data/ folders.源代码 (UnigineScript)If you pass a project name during engine initialization, this means the engine will store its rewritable data (such as logs, cache and configuration files) in user profile (in C:\Users\<username> on Windows or in /home/<username> on Linux) rather than <UnigineSDK/bin/ or <UnigineSDK/data/ folders. 在engine initialization in the <your_project_name>.cpp file:// engine initialization Unigine::EnginePtr engine(argc,argv,NULL,"12345");
源代码 (C++)#include <UnigineEngine.h> #include "AppSystemLogic.h" #include "AppWorldLogic.h" #include "AppEditorLogic.h" #ifdef _WIN32 int wmain(int argc,wchar_t *argv[]) { #else int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { #endif Unigine::EnginePtr engine(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv, "<your_project_name>", "12345"); AppSystemLogic system_logic; AppWorldLogic world_logic; AppEditorLogic editor_logic; engine->main(&system_logic,&world_logic,&editor_logic); return 0; }
注意在引擎初始化时,如果不需要,可以将 NULL 作为第四个参数传递数据存储在用户配置文件中:If you pass a project name during engine initialization, this means the engine will store its rewritable data (such as logs, cache and configuration files) in user profile (in C:\Users\<username> on Windows or in /home/<username> on Linux) rather than <UnigineSDK/bin/ or <UnigineSDK/data/ folders. 如果在引擎初始化期间传递项目名称,则意味着引擎将在用户配置文件中存储其可重写数据(例如日志,缓存和配置文件) 在Windows上为C:\Users\<username>,在Linux上为/home/<username>),而不是<UnigineSDK/bin/或<UnigineSDK/data/文件夹。源代码 (UnigineScript)// engine initialization Unigine::EnginePtr engine(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv,NULL,"12345");
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