Arbitrary Terrain Generation Add-On
The Arbitrary Terrain Generation add-on provides a set of ready-to-use assets required for accomplishing the Arbitrary Terrain Generation tutorial. The add-on contains the following assets: Arbitrary Terrain Generation附加组件提供了完成Arbitrary Terrain Generation教程所需的一组准备使用的资产。加载项包含以下资产:
- Albedo and Height maps required for terrain generation生成地形所需的 反照率和高度图
- Detail textures for vegetation and rocks 植被和岩石的细节纹理
- Nodes (including 3d models and textures) required for generation of vegetation (grass and trees) and tunnel creation生成植被(草和树)和创建隧道所需的 节点(包括3d模型和纹理)
Using Assets from Add-On使用附加组件中的资产#
To use the add-on:使用附加组件:
- Install the Arbitrary Terrain Generation add-on (available via UNIGINE SDK Browser in the Add-Ons section) and add it to your project (by clicking Other Actions -> Configure Project -> Add-ons in the Projects section of UNIGINE SDK Browser).安装Arbitrary Terrain Generation附加组件(可通过Add-Ons部分中的UNIGINE SDK Browser获得)并将其添加到您的项目中(通过单击 Other Actions -> Configure Project -> Add-ons 在UNIGINE SDK Browser的Projects部分中)。
- Follow instructions given in the tutorial and use assets stored in the lt-nogeo folder. 请遵循教程中给出的说明,并使用存储在lt-nogeo文件夹中的资产。
It is recommended to move the Landscape Maps folder from the data/lt-nogeo directory to another location outside the project data folder in order to avoid collisions between runtime files.建议将Landscape Maps文件夹从data/lt-nogeo目录移动到项目data文件夹之外的其他位置,以避免运行时文件之间发生冲突。
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