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This section contains settings related to screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO).

Ambient Occlusion Settings

Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion Settings

Enabled Toggles SSAO on and off.
Intensity Brightness of shadows:
  • By the minimum value of 0, the ambient occlusion shadowing is the lightest.
  • By the maximum value of 1, the ambient occlusion shadowing is the darkest. It is recommended value.
Intensity Lighted Side Brightness of shadows on the object's lighted side. This option should be used to create smooth transition on objects junctions.
Intensity Reflection Intensity of SSAO on reflections. The option should be enabled if the SSR effect is used.
Cavity Enables or disables the cavity option for the SSAO effect. This option improves (sharpens) the look of junction contours at low resolutions, so it should be used for detail enhancement (small stones, bolts and so on).
Cavity Intensity Intensity of sharpening of contours for the cavity option.
Cavity Radius Size of junction contours area for the cavity option.
Ray Tracing Enables or disables ray tracing for SSAO calculation. When enabled, SSAO provides more realistic shadows between the objects.
Ray-traced SSAO calculation available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled (Rendering -> Features -> SSRTGI).

Ray Tracing Denoise Enables or disables noise reduction for the ray-traced SSAO. This option reduces noise by using the blur effect.
Ray-traced SSAO calculation available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled (Rendering -> Features -> SSRTGI).

Ray Tracing Threshold Limits ray-traced SSAO in areas where SSRTGI cannot get information.
Ray-traced SSAO calculation available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled (Rendering -> Features -> SSRTGI).

Quality Quality (number of the used samples) of the screen-space ambient occlusion:
  • Low — 4 samples
  • Medium — 8 samples
  • High — 16 samples
  • Ultra — 32 samples
Resolution Resolution used for the screen-space ambient occlusion:
  • Half — half resolution
  • Full — full resolution
Noise Toggles screen-space ambient occlusion noise on and off.
We recommend to use it with TAA enabled.
Radius Distance for each of the points in the world space, up to which they can cast shadows on their neighboring points:
  • By low values, each point can cast shadows only on the points in the close range.
  • By high values, each point casts shadows on points at more distant locations.
SSAO Threshold Limits SSAO in areas where information cannot be obtained. The higher the value, the less pronounced the effect is.

Last update: 2019-08-16
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