Output Projection is the projection to be used for the generated terrain. The set of options depends on the output format.
Object Landscape Terrain#
Output Projection#
The generated terrain is exported to Object Landscape Terrain, which is actually a flat (i.e., not geospherical) area. Therefore, only projected coordinate systems are available for selection and can be used as export projections.
To choose a projection, click the corresponding button. The list of coordinate systems that can be used for projected output will open:
- The Projected Coordinate System list contains a wide range of coordinate reference systems for projected output.
- The Source Coordinate System list displays the coordinate systems used by your source data for convenience.
Select a projection by double click, or just select by clicking once and press the OK button.
Coordinate System#
The Preview window displays data in the World coordinate system — East(x), North(y) . However, your data source may use another alignment (for example ENU). If this is the case, you need to switch the coordinate system to Source.
- Source — the orientation of the generated terrain will be in accordance with the alignment indicated in the projection. It may differ from what is displayed in the Preview window.
- World — the generated terrain is aligned as East(x), North(y) (as displayed in the Preview window).
Object Terrain Global#
The following types of output projections are available:
- Built-In (Geodetic Pivot) projection based on WGS-84 ellipsoid.
- Custom projection that is used for data with a custom source projection (not WGS-84 ellipsoid-based). In this case, the projection is selected the same way as for Object Landscape Terrain.
NoticeThe terrain generated using a custom projection cannot be curved.