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Video Tutorials
How To
Professional (SIM)
Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Version Control
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Built-in Node Types
Light Sources
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Materials and Shaders
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
VR Development
Double Precision Coordinates
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Content Creation
Content Optimization
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
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Sandworm Interface

This chapter gives an overview of the Sandworm tool interface.

See Also#

Check this video from the series of video tutorials on the terrain generation using Sandworm:

Opening the Sandworm Tool and creating a project#

To open Sandworm, select Tools -> Sandworm in the main menu.

The following window will open:

If you have already worked with Sandworm and created projects, you'll also see a list of links to your recent projects for quick access:

By clicking the Create New button, the Project Configuration window opens:

Name Sandworm project name
Path Path to store the project
Terrain Type

Terrain type to be used for terrain generation. UNIGINE has two built-in terrain objects:

  • Object Landscape Terrain — a more efficient advanced type of terrain, useful for very detailed terrains, doesn't support geo-coordinates for now, supports collaborative editing, supports runtime modification, faster intersection testing, binoculars-friendly, has a practical limit of up to 10,000 x 10,000 km.
  • Object Terrain Global — useful for large-scale multi-inset terrains, supports curved mode, natively works with geo-coordinates, can be generated from raw GIS data, has a practical limit of up to 10,000 x 10,000 km.
The terrain type can't be changed after the project creation. If you want to create the terrain using the other terrain type, you can create another project based on the current one and change the terrain type at creation.
Export Spatial Reference

Coordinate reference system to be used for export. This setting is available if Landscape Terrain is selected as Terrain Type and can be changed later in the project generation settings.

As you click the button, the following window will open:

If you don't know what projection to use, type 3857 in the search window and select the EPSG:3857 projection — this projection is widely used by such services as Google, OpenStreetMap, Navitel, etc. This projection fits almost all georeferenced data except poles.

For more details, see the setting description and the relevant FAQ section.

Creating a project based on the current one#

You can use a Sandworm project as a basis for another project: all data available in the existing project will be copied to the new one.

To do that, in the Sandworm window click File —> Create Project Based on Current.

The following window will open:

When creating a project using this option, you can change the Terrain Type. In this case, settings that are not suitable for the selected terrain type, won't be added to the new project.

Sandworm Interface#

The Sandworm tool interface has five panels: Sources, Objects, Map, Parameters, and Generation Settings.


In the Sources panel, you specify the Elevation (height) and Imagery (albedo) sources for the terrain generation and the Mask data sources for details an vegetation generation, as well as objects that are placed on the terrain using the source data.

To add a new data source or object, click the + sign for the corresponding source type:

You can add multiple data sources. Thus, you can improve your data structure and manage all group members at once (enable/disable, add tags, modify parameters, etc.)

The checkbox on the left of the source allows disabling a source, thus excluding it from the generation process.

Enabling and Disabling Sources

Right-clicking on an item opens the context menu:

Copy Copies the selected one or multiple sources, masks and objects. The items are duplicated with all their settings and can be reconfigured without affecting the source item.
Focus Focuses the view in the Map panel on the selected source/object.
Move to Foreground Moves the selected source/object (or several items of one type) to the foreground in the Map panel.
Move to Background Moves the selected source/object (or several items of one type) to the background in the Map panel.
Generate Preview Generates the preview of the selected source. It is designed to generate the preview that has previously been canceled.
Remove Removes the selected source/object (or several items of one type). You can also delete a selected source/object by using the Delete button.
Properties Displays the properties of the source file for the selected source, such as file name, the coordinate system the source file uses, the source file density in meters per pixel, and geographic bounds of the source file.

To rename a source/object, double-click its name. Renaming for objects is also available on the Parameters tab.


The Map panel visualizes the available information. Here you can navigate and preview the added inputs. The following controls are available:

Panning mode. Allows only panning in the Map panel without selecting any source.

Panning is also possible when holding the SPACE button or the mouse wheel button and dragging the preview.

Selection mode. Allows panning and selecting the foreground sources in the Map panel.
Zoom-in button. The map can also be zoomed in by scrolling the mouse wheel up.
Zoom-out button. The map can also be zoomed out by scrolling the mouse wheel down.
Coordinates Current coordinates of the mouse cursor.
Display coordinates as WGS 84 latitude and longitude. If coordinates are already displayed as latitude and longitude (not in meters), this button is inactive.
Coordinate System The coordinate system selected for the Map panel. It can be changed by clicking this button.

The source data might be heavy, and it can take time to generate a preview. In this case, you can cancel the preview generation using the following button available in the bottom right corner of the Map panel during the generation process:

If you later require this preview to be generated, use the Generate Preview option in the context menu of the Sources panel.


The Parameters panel contains parameters of the selected source or object.


For the imported sources (elevation, imagery, masks, and vectors), you can set the area to be used for the terrain generation by adjusting the boundaries:

Modifying boundaries: click and drag the point on the preview map or change its coordinates on the Parameters panel.

Adding points: hold ALT and click the left mouse button in the Map window.

Deleting points and boundaries: right-click on a single point in the Map window and click Remove in the context menu. You can also select a point in the Map window and press Delete on the keyboard.

Enclosing the area visible in the Map window in the boundaries. The data will be uploaded for the area within these boundaries. You can move the points defining the boundaries to adjust the area as necessary.

Removing the boundaries for the selected source. If the boundaries are not set (or deleted), all data available in the source and within the Export Area will be uploaded.

By using this toolset, you can define which data should be taken from every source without uploading any unnecessary or corrupted data.

Generation Settings#

The Generation Settings panel contains the settings that define the details of the terrain generation process: the format of terrain, its size and form, type of projection, paths for storage and output, and the distributed generation settings.

If any parameters required for the generation have not been set, they are highlighted red in the bottom and clickable. Clicking on a highlighted word scrolls to the corresponding generation setting for adjustment.

Last update: 2023-12-19
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