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Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
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Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Unigine::Plugins::TeslaSuitGeneral Class

Header: #include <plugins/UnigineTeslaSuit.h>

TeslaSuitGeneral Class



MASTER_MULTIPLIER_UPDATE = 0The callback that is invoked when a value of the master multiplier changes.
NUM_CALLBACKS = 1Callback counter.


void setErrorsLog ( bool flag ) #

Enables or disables logging of errors.


  • bool flag - true — enable, false — disable

bool isErrorsLog ( ) #

Checks if logging of errors is enabled.

Return value

true — enabled, false — disabled

SuitManager * getSuitManager ( ) #

Returns the SuitManager interface.

Return value

SuitManager interface

String getFullVersion ( ) #

Returns the TESLASUIT API version.

Return value


String codeToString ( unsigned int code ) #

Returns an ASCII string describing result of a function execution based on passed Result Code of the function.


  • unsigned int code - TSP_ code of API functions

Return value

ASCII string describing result of a function execution

Vector< unsigned long long > getConnectedSuits ( ) #

Returns IDs of connected TESLASUITs.

Return value

IDs of connected TESLASUITs

unsigned long long loadAsset ( const String & path, bool isStatic = false, bool isLoop = false, short layer = 0 ) #

Loads and parses a haptic asset in Haptic Player. The loaded asset can be played by given ID.


  • const String & path - Path to the haptic asset
  • bool isStatic - Flag that defines whether the asset should be removed after being played
  • bool isLoop - Flag that defines whether the asset playback is looped
  • short layer - Layer of haptic mapping

Return value

Haptic asset ID that is used for further processing

unsigned int removeAsset ( unsigned long long assetId, bool immediately ) #

Removes a haptic asset.


  • unsigned long long assetId - ID of a loaded asset
  • bool immediately - if true, the asset is removed immediately; if false, the asset is removed after it has been played

Return value

A code that describes the result of function execution, one of the following TSP_ values: TS_SUCCESS, TS_FAIL_ARG, TS_FAIL_SH_MEM, TS_FAIL_QUEUE_1, TS_FAIL_QUEUE_2.

unsigned long long createMaterial ( unsigned long long playId, unsigned long long effectId ) #

Creates a haptic material from the loaded haptic sample and haptic effect. Haptic materials are used to invoke the haptic response upon the hit events.


  • unsigned long long playId - ID of the loaded haptic sample to be used in the haptic material
  • unsigned long long effectId - ID of the loaded haptic effect to be used in the haptic material

Return value

ID of the created haptic material for further processing

unsigned int updateMasterMul ( const TeslaSuitGeneral::MasterMulConf & mul ) #

Sets the new value of the master multiplier for the haptic power that is applied to all connected suits.


  • const TeslaSuitGeneral::MasterMulConf & mul - The new value of the master multiplier for the haptic power. It is applied to all connected suits

Return value

A code that describes the result of function execution, one of the following TSP_ values: TS_SUCCESS, TS_FAIL_SH_MEM, TS_FAIL_QUEUE_1, TS_FAIL_QUEUE_2.

TeslaSuitGeneral::MasterMulConf getMasterMultiplier ( unsigned int code ) #

Returns the current value of the master multiplier of the haptic power.


  • unsigned int code - A code that describes the result of function execution, one of the following TSP_ values: TS_SUCCESS, TS_FAIL_ARG, TS_FAIL_SH_MEM, TS_FAIL_QUEUE_1, TS_FAIL_QUEUE_2.

Return value

The value of the master multiplier

unsigned int subMasterMultiplierUpdate ( ) #

Creates the subscription to the master multiplier updates.

Return value

A code that describes the result of function execution, one of the following TSP_ values: TS_SUCCESS, TS_FAIL_STARTED, TS_FAIL_ARG, TS_FAIL_SH_MEM, TS_FAIL_QUEUE_1, TS_FAIL_QUEUE_2.

bool isServiceRunning ( ) #

Returns teslasuit.service status.

Return value

true, if the service is running, false, if the service is stopped

bool serviceStart ( ) #

Starts teslasuit.service.

Return value

true, if the service is started, otherwise false

bool serviceStop ( ) #

Stops teslasuit.service.

Return value

true, if the service is stopped, otherwise false

bool serviceRestart ( ) #

Restarts teslasuit.service.

Return value

true, if the service is restarted, otherwise false
Last update: 2020-06-01
Build: ()