Using ActionScript
Unigine engine supports ActionScript 2.0 to control the flash movies in the Unigine-based applications.
All UnigineScript methods can be called from ActionScript code via Engine extension class.
Flash is no longer under development, please use other solutions for in-app GUIs.
Implemented classes and methods are as follows. (Neither polymorphism nor exception handling is currently supported).
Class | Supported methods | Supported Properties |
Array |
push pop shift join slice splice concat reverse |
length |
Color |
setRGB getRGB setTransform getTransform |
Date |
getYear getFullYear getMonth getDate getDay getHours getMinutes getSeconds getMilliseconds |
Engine* |
logMessage logWarning logError logFatal systemSet systemGet systemCall worldSet worldGet worldCall editorSet editorGet editorCall consoleRun consoleIsVariable consoleGetInt consoleSetInt consoleGetFloat consoleSetFloat consoleGetString consoleSetString |
Key |
isDown getCode getAscii addListener removeListener |
Math | All functions are supported | |
MovieClip |
play stop nextFrame prevFrame gotoAndPlay gotoAndStop getNumFrames setFrame getFrame localToGlobal globalToLocal hitTest getNextHighestDepth createEmptyMovieClip duplicateMovieClip removeMovieClip attachMovie loadMovie getBytesTotal getBytesLoaded |
Mouse |
addListener removeListener |
Stage |
width height |
String |
split slice substr substring concat charAt charCodeAt fromCharCode toUpperCase toLowerCase |
length |
TextField |
text htmlText textWidth textHeight |
Last update: 03.07.2017
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