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CigiSymbolSurfaceDef Class

Header: #include <UnigineCIGIConnector.h>

CigiSymbolSurfaceDef Class


int getSurfaceID ( ) #

Returns the Surface ID specified in the packet.

Return value

Surface ID.

int getEntityID ( ) #

Returns the Entity ID specified in the packet.

Return value

Entity ID.

int getSurfaceState ( ) #

Returns the value of the Surface State parameter specified in the packet. Defines whether the surface will be active.

Return value

Surface State parameter value: 1 (Active) if the surface is enabled; otherwise, 0 (Destroyed).

int getAttachType ( ) #

Returns the value of the Attach Type parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether the surface will be attached to an entity or a view.

Return value

Attach Type parameter value: 0 (Entity) specified by the Entity ID parameter; otherwise, 1 (View).
If the specified entity or view does not exist, this packet shall be ignored.

int getBillboard ( ) #

Returns the value of the Billboard parameter specified in the packet. Determines the way of surface orientation.

Return value

Billboard parameter value. The following values are supported:
  • 1 – Billboard. The surface shall be oriented such that the normal vector from the center of the surface is parallel to the viewing vector.
  • 0 - Non-Billboard. The surface shall be oriented in relation to the entity’s local coordinate system by the Yaw, Pitch, and Roll parameters.
If the surface is attached to a view, then the IG shall ignore this parameter.

int getPerspective ( ) #

Returns the value of the Perspective Growth Enable parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Perspective Growth Enable parameter: 1 (Enabled) if the perspective growth is enabled; otherwise, 0 (Disabled).

const vec3 & getOffset ( ) #

Returns the offset of the given surface as a three-component vector of X Offset, Y Offset and Z Offset or Left, Right and Top parameters specified in the packet.

Return value

Three-component vector:
  • [X Offset, Y Offset, Z Offset] - if the surface is attached to an entity. The values are relative to the entity’s reference point.
  • [Left, Right, Top] - if the surface is attached to a view. The IG shall place it at this distance from the left edge of the viewport to the surface’s leftmost and rightmost boundary and from the bottom edge of the viewport to the surface’s topmost boundary respectively. This distance is measured as a fraction of the viewport’s width.

const vec3 & getRotation ( ) #

Returns the orientation of the given surface as a three-component vector of Yaw, Pitch and Roll parameters (for Entity-attached surfaces) and value of Bottom parameter (for View-attached surfaces) specified in the packet.

Return value

Three-component vector. [Yaw, Pitch, Roll] values - if the surface is attached to an entity; otherwise, [Bottom, Y, Z].
If the given surface is attached to View, than the last two components of the vector shall be ignored.

float getWidth ( ) #

Returns the value of the Width parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Width parameter value in the [0.0; 180.0] range for surfaces which are entity-attached Billboards with disabled Perspective Growth; the value is greater than 0 for entity-attached Billboards with enabled Perspective Growth and Non-Billboards.

float getHeight ( ) #

Returns the value of the Height parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Height parameter value in the [0.0; 180.0] range for surfaces which are Billboards, Entity-attached with disabled Perspective Growth; the value is greater than 0 for entity-attached Billboards with enabled Perspective Growth and Non-Billboards.

const vec3 & getMin ( ) #

Returns the three-component vector that contains the values of the Min U, Min V parameters specified in the packet. Specifies the UV coordinates that shall correspond to the leftmost and bottommost boundaries of the symbol surface.

Return value

Three-component vector of the [Min U, Min V] parameters values.

const vec3 & getMax ( ) #

Returns the three-component vector that contains the values of the Max U, Max V parameters specified in the packet. Specifies the UV coordinates that shall correspond to the rightmost and topmost boundaries of the symbol surface.

Return value

Three-component vector of the [Max U, Max V] parameters values.
Last update: 29.04.2021
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