Decompose Euler Node
Decomposes the input rotation matrix to the output vector of Euler angles (pitch, roll, yaw).
The Euler angles are specified in the axis rotation sequence - XYZ. It is an order of the rings in the three-axis gimbal set: X axis used as the outer ring (independent ring), while Z axis as the inner one (its rotation depends on other 2 rings).
When we talk about axes in UNIGINE, we assume that:
- X axis points to the right giving us a pitch angle.
- Y axis points forward giving us a roll angle.
- Z axis points up giving us a yaw (heading) angle.
Players have a different coordinate system:
- X axis points to the right giving us a pitch angle.
- Y axis points up giving us a yaw (heading) angle.
- Z axis points backward giving us a -roll angle.
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