The Animation section of the C# Component Samples demo contains a set of samples demonstrating the techniques that can be used in fine-tuning animations: C# Component Samples演示的Animation部分包含一组示例,这些示例演示了可用于微调动画的技术:
- Bone rotation via code with control of animation playback通过代码控制动画播放来进行骨骼旋转
- Additive blending of two animations两个动画的加法混合
- Linear interpolation of two animations两个动画的线性插值
- Partial linear interpolation of bones, an option to change names of interpolated bones using a component property骨骼的部分线性插值,一种使用组件属性更改插值骨骼名称的选项
- Controlling frames while setting the animation playback在设置动画播放时控制帧
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