UUSL Parameters
UUSL defines parameters that passed by the engine to the shader. These parameters can be used in your shader programs to get the necessary data from the engine.
Common Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_viewport | float4 | Viewport sizes: width, height, 1/width, 1/height. |
s_depth_range | float4 | Depth range: near, far, 1/near, 1/far. |
s_solid_color | float4 | Solid color. |
s_reflection_color | float4 | Ambient color. |
s_frame | int | The current frame number. |
s_taa | float | TAA flag. |
Clutter/Cluster Parameters#
s_clutter_cluster_offset | float3 | Clutter/Cluster offset. |
s_clutter_cluster_modelview | float4x4 | Clutter/Cluster modelview matrix. |
s_clutter_cluster_old_modelview | float4x4 | Clutter/Cluster old modelview matrix. |
Camera Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_projection | float4x4 | Projection matrix. |
s_iprojection | float4x4 | Inverse projection matrix. |
s_oblique_frustum_plane | float4 | Oblique frustum culling plane. |
s_modelview | float4x4 | Model-View matrix. |
s_imodelview | float4x4 | Inverse Model-View matrix. |
s_old_imodelview | float4x4 | Old inverse Model-View matrix. |
s_old_imodelview_delta | float4x4 | Delta of old inverse Model-View matrix. |
s_camera_offset | float3 | Camera position. |
s_camera_position | float3 | Camera position in world space. |
s_camera_direction | float3 | Camera direction vector. |
s_projection_row_0 | float3 | First row of projection matrix. |
s_projection_row_1 | float3 | Second row of projection matrix. |
s_projection_row_2 | float3 | Third row of projection matrix. |
s_camera_projection | float4x4 | Projection matrix of camera (not renderstate). For example: post have ortographic projection, but camera projection is perspective. |
s_camera_iprojection | float4x4 | Inverse projection matrix of camera (not renderstate). For example: post have ortographic projection, but camera projection is perspective. |
Cube Render Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_iface_rotation[6] | float4x4 | Inverted cubemap face rotation parameter. |
ModelView Projection Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_modelview_projection_x | float4 | First column of the Model-View projection matrix. |
s_modelview_projection_y | float4 | Second column of the Model-View projection matrix. |
s_modelview_projection_w | float4 | Fourth column of the Model-View projection matrix. |
s_modelview_projection_old_x | float4 | First column of the old Model-View projection matrix. |
s_modelview_projection_old_y | float4 | Second column of the old Model-View projection matrix. |
s_modelview_projection_old_z | float4 | Third column of the old Model-View projection matrix. |
s_modelview_untranslated | float4x4 | Model-View matrix without translate (only rotation). |
Polygon Front Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_polygon_front | float | Polygon front. |
Transform Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_transform[3] | float4 | Model-View matrix. |
Old Transform Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_old_transform[3] | float4 | Old Model-View matrix. |
Light Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_light_position | float3 | The position of the Light Source |
s_light_direction | float3 | The light direction. |
s_light_color | float4 | Light color. |
s_light_attenuation | float4 | Light attenuation. |
s_light_shape | float4 | The shape of the light source. |
s_light_transform | float4x4 | Light Model-View matrix. |
s_light_projection | float4x4 | Light projection matrix. |
s_light_penumbra | float | Project light source penumbra parameter. |
Light Environment Probe Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_light_reflection_color | float4 | Environment probe's reflection color. |
s_light_ambient_color | float4 | Environment Probe's ambient color. |
s_light_ambient_contrast | float | Environment Probe's ambient contrast. |
s_light_mipmaps | float | Environment Probe's number of mipmaps. |
s_light_box_gloss_corners | float | Environment Probe's Gloss Corners. |
s_light_box_gi | float | Environment Probe's Global Illumination. |
Light Environment Probe Parameters for Forward Rendering Pass#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_light_probe_position | float3 | Environment probe's position. |
s_light_probe_is_box_projection | float | Environment probe's Box Projection value. |
s_light_probe_is_sun_light_color | float | Environment probe's Use Sun Color value. |
s_light_probe_transform | float4x4 | Environment probe's tranform matrix. |
Light Voxel Probe Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_light_voxel_probe_data | float4 | Voxel probe's data. |
Light Shadow Parameters#
s_light_shadow_depth_bias | float3 | Light shadow depth bias. |
s_light_shadow_depth_range | float2 | Light shadow depth range. |
s_light_shadow_projection | float4x4 | Light shadow projection matrix. |
s_light_shadow_softness | float | Light shadow softness value. |
s_light_shadow_softness_noise | float | Light shadow softness noise value. |
s_light_shadow_sharpness | float | Light shadow sharpness value. |
s_light_shadow_iradius | float | Light shadow inverse radius. |
s_light_shadow_fade | float | Light shadow fade value. |
Light Cascades Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_light_cascades_num | int | World light shadow cascades number. |
s_light_cascades_projection[4] | float4x4 | World light shadow cascades projection matrix. |
s_light_cascades_bias[4] | float | World light shadow cascades bias. |
Screen Space Shadows Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_shadow_screen_space_num_rays | int | Screen space shadows num rays value. |
s_shadow_screen_space_num_steps | int | Screen space shadows num steps value. |
s_shadow_screen_space_noise_ray | float | Screen space shadows noise ray value. |
s_shadow_screen_space_noise_step | float | Screen space shadows noise step value. |
s_shadow_screen_space_step_size | float | Screen space shadows step size value. |
s_shadow_screen_space_threshold | float | Screen space shadows threshold value. |
s_shadow_screen_space_softness | float | Screen space shadows softness value. |
Scattering Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_scattering_sun_dir | float3 | The direction of the sun scattering. |
s_scattering_moon_dir | float3 | The direction of the moon scattering. |
Environment Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_environment_ambient_intensity | float | Environment ambient intensity parameter. |
s_environment_reflection_intensity | float | Environment reflection intensity parameter. |
Haze Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_haze_color | float4 | The color of the haze. |
s_haze_max_distance | float | Haze maximum visible distance. |
s_haze_density | float | The haze density. |
Sky Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_sky_up | float3 | Sky up vector. |
s_sky_altitude | float | Sky altitude. |
s_sky_transform | float4x4 | Sky transform matrix. |
s_moon_rotation | float4x4 | Moon rotation matrix. |
s_sun_rotation | float4x4 | Sun rotation matrix. |
Material Textures Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_material_textures[NUM_TEXTURES] | float4 | Material textures. Each set of vectors contains: width, height, 1/width, 1/height of the texture slot. |
Material Tessellation Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_material_tessellation_factor | float4 | Tessellation factor. |
s_material_tessellation_distance | float3 | Tessellation distance. |
Material Animation Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_material_animation_stem | float4 | Animation stem. |
s_material_old_animation_stem | float4 | Old animation stem. |
s_material_animation_leaf | float3 | Animation leaf. |
s_material_old_animation_leaf | float3 | Old animation leaf. |
s_material_animation_wind | float3 | Animation wind. |
Material Reflection Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_material_reflection_transform | float4x4 | Reflection transformation matrix. |
Material Deferred Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_material_mask | int | Material mask. |
s_material_backface_mask | int | Material backface mask. |
Surface Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_surface_min_bound_sphere | float4 | Minimum size of the bounding sphere: center (x,y,z), radius(w). |
s_surface_max_bound_sphere | float4 | Maximum size of the bounding sphere: center (x,y,z), radius(w). |
s_surface_distances | float4 | Surface distances: min visible, max visible, imin fade, imax fade |
FieldSpacer Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_field_spacer_num_spacers | int2 | Number of FieldSpacer nodes. |
s_field_spacer_parameters[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_SPACERS] | float4 | FieldSpacer parameters. |
s_field_spacer_transforms[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_SPACERS*3] | float4 | FieldSpacer transforms. |
To use these parameters,
FIELD_SPACER should be defined.
FieldAnimation Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_field_animation_num_animations | int2 | Number of FieldAnimation nodes. |
s_field_animation_parameters[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_ANIMATIONS*3] | float4 | FieldAnimation parameters. |
s_field_animation_transforms[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_ANIMATIONS*3] | float4 | FieldAnimation transforms. |
s_field_animation_old_transforms[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_ANIMATIONS*3] | float4 | FieldAnimation old transforms. |
To use these parameters,
FIELD_ANIMATION should be defined.
FieldHeight Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_field_height_num_heights | int2 | Number of FieldHeight nodes. |
s_field_height_projections[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_HEIGHTS] | float4x4 | FieldHeight projections. |
s_field_height_planes[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_HEIGHTS] | float4 | FieldHeight planes. |
s_field_height_parameters[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_HEIGHTS] | float4 | FieldHeight parameters. |
s_field_height_texture_ids[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_HEIGHTS] | float | FieldHeight texture ids. |
To use these parameters,
FIELD_HEIGHT should be defined.
FieldShoreline Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_field_shoreline_num_shorelines | int2 | Number of FieldShoreline nodes. |
s_field_shoreline_projections[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_SHORELINES] | float4x4 | FieldShoreline projections. |
s_field_shoreline_planes[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_SHORELINES] | float4 | FieldShoreline planes. |
s_field_shoreline_parameters[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_SHORELINES] | float4 | FieldShoreline parameters. |
s_field_shoreline_texture_ids[RENDER_MAX_FIELD_SHORELINES] | float | FieldShoreline texture ids. |
To use these parameters,
FIELD_SHORELINE should be defined.
Geodetic Pivot Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_geodetic_radius | double | Geodetic radius. |
s_geodetic_iradius | double | Inverse geodetic radius. |
s_geodetic_iscale | double3 | Inverse geodetic scale. |
s_geodetic_radius_mul_scale | double3 | ---. |
s_geodetic_origin_sphere_rotation | double4x4 | Rotation matrix of geodetic origin sphere. |
s_geodetic_pivotview | double4x4 | Geodetic pivot view. |
s_geodetic_ipivotview | double4x4 | Inverse geodetic pivot view. |
s_geodetic_old_ipivotview | double4x4 | Old inverse geodetic pivot view. |
s_geodetic_planetview | double4x4 | Geodetic planet view. |
s_geodetic_iplanetview | double4x4 | Inverse geodetic planet view. |
s_geodetic_old_planetview | double4x4 | Old geodetic planet view. |
s_geodetic_camera_flat_position | double3 | Geodetic camera flat position. |
s_geodetic_camera_flat_height | float | Geodetic camera flat height. |
s_geodetic_position_to_normal | float4x4 | Geodetic matrix of transform from position to normal. |
s_geodetic_pivot_rotation | float4x4 | View-space rotation matrix. |
s_geodetic_camera_flat_rotation | float4x4 | Geodetic camera flat rotation. |
s_geodetic_camera_flat_irotation | float4x4 | Inverse geodetic camera flat rotation. |
Constant Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_constant_id | int | Constant id. |
s_constant_data[NUM_DEFERRED_CONSTANTS/4] | float | Constant data. |
Spline Parameters#
UUSL parameter | Type | Description |
s_spline_start_point[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | float4 | Spline start point position. |
s_spline_start_tangent[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | float4 | Spline start point tangent. |
s_spline_start_up[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | float4 | Spline start point up vector. |
s_spline_end_point[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | float4 | Spline end point position. |
s_spline_end_tangent[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | float4 | Spline end point tangent. |
s_spline_end_up[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | float4 | Spline end point up vector. |
s_spline_min_max_up_angle[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | float4 | Spline min and max up angle. |
s_spline_t_values[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | float2 | Spline tag values. |
s_spline_forward_axis[RENDER_MESH_NUM_INSTANCES] | int | Spline forward axis value. |
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