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Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Setting Up Development Environment
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UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine and Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
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Filesystem Functionality
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Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
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Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
Rendering-Related Classes
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Screen Space Bevel

The section contains settings that control screen-space bevels. Using bevels allows you to create smoothed edges of geometry and gives a realistic look to objects in the scene.

Screen-Space Bevel Settings

Settings are applied to materials with the SSBevel state enabled.

Enabled Toggles bevels on and off.

Mode Sets the mode of the screen-space bevels rendering. Available values:
  • Better Edges - smooths vertex and surface normals of the object. In this mode, the relief created by using Normal Mapping will be smoothed along with the mesh edges.
  • Better Normals - smooths only vertex normals. In this mode, only edges of the mesh geometry will be bevelled. The mode may produce visual artifacts on the edges. However, they can be reduced by increasing quality settings of anti-aliasing.

Quality Quality of the screen-space bevels:
  • Low - low quality.
  • Medium - medium quality.
  • High - high quality.
  • Ultra - ultra quality.

Radius The size of the screen-space bevel effect.
Noise Toggles the noise that allows smoothing bevels on and off. It is recommended to use the noise with TAA enabled to avoid visual artifacts. The bevel noise is applied at a certain distance from the camera (i.e. if the camera is too far from the object with bevels, the noise won't be applied).

To debug rendering of bevels, you can use the debug_bevel debug material or enable the bevel rendering buffer via Rendering Debug -> Bevel.

Setting Up Bevels Per Material#

Screen-space bevels are set up per material. The settings described above allow you to set up bevels for all materials with the SSBevel option enabled. However, you can also set up bevels for each material individually via the Parameters window with material settings.

To set up bevels for a specific material, perform the following:

  1. Enable the Procedural Effects option of the target material.
  2. Enable the SSBevel option of the target material.
  3. Enable the screen-space bevel feature in one of the following ways:
    • Via the Render Settings window: go to the Windows -> Settings -> Runtime -> Render -> SSBevel section and click Enabled.
    • In the Main Menu select Rendering -> Features and choose SSBevel.
  4. In the Render Settings window, specify the global SSBevel settings described above.
  5. In the material settings (the Parameters window), specify the procedural texture, UV coordinates transformation or triplanar blending factor, scale for the bevel radius.
Last update: 25.12.2019
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