IG::HLA::Connector Class
Header: | #include <UnigineHLAConnector.h> |
IG::HLA::Connector Class
int init ( int version, const char * fom_path, const char * federate_name, const char * federation_execution_name ) #
Initializes the HLA Connector using the given parameters.Arguments
- int version - Callback type. One of the following values: RTI13, RTI1516, or RTI1516E.
- const char * fom_path - path to FOM file (.fed or .xml, depends on version)
- const char * federate_name - name of the current instance
- const char * federation_execution_name - name of the group of federates with the same FOM.
NoticeOpenRTI uses names like "rti://fedExecName", Pitch RTI uses simple "fedExecName".
Return value
1 if the HLA Connector was initialized successfully; otherwise, 0.void setTimeRegulation ( bool start_constrained, bool start_regulating ) #
Sets time management mode for the federate. In general, a federate may be "regulating," "constrained," "regulating and constrained," or "neither regulating nor constrained.Arguments
- bool start_constrained - Constrained flag: true if the federate is a constrained one (can receive TSO messages); otherwise, false.
- bool start_regulating - Regulating flag: true if the federate is a regulating one (can send TSO messages); otherwise, false.
int isConstrained ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if the federate is a constrained one, i.e. can receive TSO (time-stamped order) messages.Return value
1 if the federate is a constrained one; otherwise, 0.int isRegulating ( ) #
Returns a value indicating if the federate is a regulating one, i.e. can send TSO (time-stamped order) messages.Return value
1 if the federate is a regulating one; otherwise, 0.void setTimeStep ( double time_step ) #
Sets a lookahead value for a regulating federate, this value determines the frequency of calling the timeAdvanceRequest() method.Arguments
- double time_step - Enable flag. Use 1 to show the debug window, or 0 - to hide it.
double getLocalTime ( ) #
Returns the local time of the current federate.Return value
Local time of the current federate.void registerFederationSynchronizationPoint ( const char * label, const char * tag ) #
Registers a new synchronization point for all federates.Arguments
- const char * label - String uniquely identifying the synchronization point.
- const char * tag - User-supplied tag.
void registerFederationSynchronizationPoint ( const char * label, const char * tag, const Vector<unsigned long> & sync_set ) #
Registers a new synchronization point.Arguments
- const char * label - String uniquely identifying the synchronization point.
- const char * tag - User-supplied tag.
- const Vector<unsigned long> & sync_set - List containing handles of federates to synchronize.
void synchronizationPointAchieved ( const char * label ) #
Sends a message that specified synchronization point was successfully achieved with all requirements fulfilled.Arguments
- const char * label - String uniquely identifying the synchronization point.
unsigned long getInteractionClassHandle ( const char * name ) #
Returns interaction class handle.Arguments
- const char * name - Interaction class name.
Return value
Interaction class handle.unsigned long getParameterHandle ( const char * name, unsigned long which_class ) #
Returns parameter handle.Arguments
- const char * name - Parameter name.
- unsigned long which_class - Class to which the parameter belongs.
Return value
Handle of the specified parameter.unsigned long getObjectClassHandle ( const char * name ) #
Returns object class handle.Arguments
- const char * name - Object class name
Return value
Handle of the specified object class.unsigned long getAttributeHandle ( const char * name, unsigned long which_class ) #
Returns attribute handle.Arguments
- const char * name - Attribute name.
- unsigned long which_class - Class to which the attribute belongs.
Return value
Handle of the specified attribute.void publishAndSubscribeObject ( unsigned long handle_id, const int & attributes ) #
Publish and subscribe for the specified Object Class.Arguments
- unsigned long handle_id - Handle ID.
- const int & attributes - List of attributes.
void publishObject ( unsigned long handle_id, const int & attributes ) #
Publish the specified Object Class.Arguments
- unsigned long handle_id - Handle ID.
- const int & attributes - List of attributes.
void subscribeObject ( unsigned long handle_id, const int & attributes ) #
Subscribe for the specified Object Class.Arguments
- unsigned long handle_id - Handle ID.
- const int & attributes - List of attributes.
void publishAndSubscribeInteraction ( unsigned long handle_id ) #
Publish and subscribe for the specified Interaction Class.Arguments
- unsigned long handle_id - Class handle ID.
void publishInteraction ( unsigned long handle_id ) #
Publish the specified Interaction Class.Arguments
- unsigned long handle_id - Class handle ID.
void subscribeInteraction ( unsigned long handle_id ) #
Subscribe to the specified Interaction Class.Arguments
- unsigned long handle_id - Class handle ID.
unsigned long registerObjectInstance ( unsigned long class_handle_id, const char * name ) #
Registers a new object instance instance with the specified name.Arguments
- unsigned long class_handle_id - Class handle ID.
- const char * name - Object name.
Return value
Object handle.int updateAttributeValues ( unsigned long object_id, const int & attributes, const char * tag ) #
Updates attribute values for the specified object instance.Arguments
- unsigned long object_id - Object ID.
- const int & attributes - List of attributes.
- const char * tag - User-supplied tag.
Return value
1 if the specified attribute values were updated successfully; otherwise, 0.int updateAttributeValues ( unsigned long object_id, const int & attributes, double time, const char * tag ) #
Updates attribute values for the specified object instance.Arguments
- unsigned long object_id - Object ID.
- const int & attributes - List of attributes.
- double time - Federation time.
- const char * tag - User-supplied tag.
Return value
1 if the specified attribute values were updated successfully; otherwise, 0.int deleteObjectInstance ( unsigned long object_id, const char * tag ) #
Deletes the specified object instance.Arguments
- unsigned long object_id - Object ID.
- const char * tag - User-supplied tag.
Return value
1 if the specified object instance was deleted successfully; otherwise, 0.int deleteObjectInstance ( unsigned long object_id, double time, const char * tag ) #
Deletes the specified object instance.Arguments
- unsigned long object_id - Object ID.
- double time - Federation time.
- const char * tag - User-supplied tag.
Return value
1 if the specified object instance was deleted successfully; otherwise, 0.int sendInteraction ( unsigned long handle_id, const int & parameters, const char * tag ) #
Sends an interaction with the specified parameters.Arguments
- unsigned long handle_id - Handle ID.
- const int & parameters - List of parameters.
- const char * tag - User-supplied tag.
Return value
1 if interaction was sent successfully; otherwise, 0.int sendInteraction ( unsigned long handle_id, const int & parameters, double time, const char * tag ) #
Sends an interaction with the specified parameters.Arguments
- unsigned long handle_id - Handle ID.
- const int & parameters - List of parameters.
- double time - Federation time.
- const char * tag - User-supplied tag.
Return value
1 if interaction was sent successfully; otherwise, 0.void enableTimeRegulation ( double federate_time, double lookahead ) #
Enables time regulation mode for the federate.Arguments
- double federate_time - Federate time.
- double lookahead - Lookahead value for a regulating federate, this value determines the frequency of calling the timeAdvanceRequest() method.
void disableTimeRegulation ( ) #
Disables time regulation mode for the federate.void enableTimeConstrained ( ) #
Enables time-constrained mode for the federate.void disableTimeConstrained ( ) #
Disables time-constrained mode for the federate.void timeAdvanceRequest ( double time ) #
Issues a Time Advance Request for the federate.Notice
This method is used by time-stepped federates.
- double time - Time value.
void timeAdvanceRequestAvailable ( double time ) #
Enables time regulation mode for the federate.Notice
This method is used by time-stepped federates.
- double time - Time value.
void nextEventRequest ( double time ) #
Advances the federate’s logical time to the time-stamp of the next relevant TSO event in the federation.Notice
This method is used by event-based federates.
- double time - Time stamp of the next local event the federate wishes to advance to.
void nextEventRequestAvailable ( double time ) #
Advances the federate’s logical time to the time-stamp of the next relevant TSO event in the federation. The method is similar to nextEventRequest(), except that a time advance might be granted before all TSO events at the grant time have been delivered to the federate.Notice
This method is used by event-based federates.
- double time - Time stamp of the next local event the federate wishes to advance to.
void flushQueueRequest ( double time ) #
Process all federation events regardless of time.Arguments
- double time - Time value.
void enableAsynchronousDelivery ( ) #
Instructs the LRC to begin delivering receive-ordered events to the federate even while no time-advancement service is in progress.void disableAsynchronousDelivery ( ) #
Instructs the LRC not to deliver receive-ordered events in the absense of an in-progress time-advancement service. This has only a meaning for time-constrained federates, since non-constrained federates receive all events in receive order.void modifyLookahead ( double lookahead ) #
Sets the new lookahead window for the federate.Arguments
- double lookahead - New size of the interval extending forward from the federate’s logical time at a given point in execution in which a federate will not generate any time stamp ordered events.
void queryLookahead ( double lookahead ) #
Returns the current lookahead window being used for the federate.Arguments
- double lookahead - Time value.
Unigine::CallbackBase * addCallback ( int callback, Unigine::CallbackBase * func ) #
Adds a callback function of the specified type.Arguments
- int callback - Callback type. One of the CALLBACK_* variables.
- Unigine::CallbackBase * func - Callback pointer.
Return value
Pointer to the added callback.void removeCallback ( int callback, Unigine::CallbackBase * func ) #
Removes a specified callback function of the specified type.Arguments
- int callback - Callback type. One of the CALLBACK_* variables.
- Unigine::CallbackBase * func - Callback pointer.
void clearCallbacks ( int callback ) #
Clears all callback functions of the specified type.Arguments
- int callback - Callback type. One of the CALLBACK_* variables.
int shutdown ( ) #
Shuts down the HLA Connector.Return value
1 if the HLA Connector was shut down successfully; otherwise, 0.Last update:
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