Unigine::WidgetCheckBox Class
Header: | #include <UnigineWidgets.h> |
Inherits: | Widget |
This class creates checkboxes. A set of checkboxes can be converted into a radio buttons group (that act as a single mutually exclusive control), if all the checkboxes are attached to a certain one among them (for example, the first).
The following code illustrates how to create a checkbox widget and set its parameters.
Source code (UnigineScript)
#include <UnigineWidgets.h>
using namespace Unigine;
/* .. */
// event handler function
int onCheckBoxChanged()
/* .. */
return 1;
/* .. */
// getting a pointer to the system GUI
GuiPtr gui = Gui::get();
// creating a checkbox widget and setting its caption
WidgetCheckBoxPtr widget_checkbox = WidgetCheckBox::create(gui, "Automatic mode");
// setting a tooltip
widget_checkbox->setToolTip("Toggle automatic mode");
// rearranging checkbox size
// setting checkbox position
widget_checkbox->setPosition(10, 10);
// setting checkbox state to checked
// setting onCheckBoxChanged function to handle CHANGED event
widget_checkbox->setCallback0(Gui::CHANGED, MakeCallback(onCheckBoxChanged));
// adding created checkbox widget to the system GUI
gui->addChild(widget_checkbox->getWidget(), Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);
WidgetCheckBox Class
static WidgetCheckBoxPtr create(const Ptr<Gui> & gui, const char * str = 0)
Constructor. Creates a checkbox with a given text label.Arguments
- const Ptr<Gui> & gui - GUI, to which the new checkbox will belong.
- const char * str - Checkbox label. This is an optional parameter.
Ptr<WidgetCheckBox> cast(const Ptr<Widget> & widget)
Casts a WidgetCheckBox out of the Widget instance.Arguments
- const Ptr<Widget> & widget - Pointer to Widget.
Return value
Pointer to WidgetCheckBox.void setChecked(int checked)
Sets a value indicating if the checkbox is selected.Arguments
- int checked - 1 to check (select) the checkbox, 0 to uncheck it.
int isChecked()
Returns a value indicating if the checkbox is selected.Return value
1 if the checkbox is checked (selected); otherwise, 0.void setText(const char * text)
Sets a checkbox text label.Arguments
- const char * text - Checkbox label.
const char * getText()
Returns the checkbox text label.Return value
Checkbox label.int type()
WidgetCheckBox type.Return value
WidgetCheckBox type identifier.Last update: 26.04.2018
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