Unigine::WidgetDialogFile Class
Header: | #include <UnigineWidgets.h> |
Inherits: | WidgetDialog |
This class creates dialog window where a file is selected. On the left side file-related information or an image preview is displayed.
The following code illustrates how to create a file selection dialog widget and set its parameters.
Source code (UnigineScript)
#include <UnigineWidgets.h>
using namespace Unigine;
/* .. */
// CLICKED event handler function for dialog cancel button
int onDlgCancelClicked()
/* .. */
return 1;
// CLICKED event handler function for dialog OK button
int onDlgOKClicked()
/* .. */
return 1;
/* .. */
// getting a pointer to the system GUI
GuiPtr gui = Gui::get();
// creating a file dialog widget and setting its caption
WidgetDialogFilePtr widget_file_dialog = WidgetDialogFile::create(gui, "Select a mesh file");
// setting the default path for the file dialog
//setting a file name filter to display only *.mesh files
// hiding the dialog window
// setting onDlgCancelClicked function to handle CLICKED event for dialog cancel button
widget_file_dialog->getCancelButton()->setCallback0(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(onDlgCancelClicked));
// setting onDlgOKClicked function to handle CLICKED event for dialog OK button
widget_file_dialog->getOkButton()->setCallback0(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(onDlgOKClicked));
// adding created checkbox widget to the system GUI
gui->addChild(widget_file_dialog->getWidget(), Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED | Gui::ALIGN_CENTER);
WidgetDialogFile Class
static WidgetDialogFilePtr create(const Ptr<Gui> & gui, const char * str = 0)
Constructor. Creates a file picker dialog with given parameters.Arguments
- const Ptr<Gui> & gui - GUI, to which the dialog will belong.
- const char * str - Dialog title. This is an optional parameter.
Ptr<WidgetDialogFile> cast(const Ptr<WidgetDialog> & widgetdialog)
Casts a WidgetDialogFile out of the WidgetDialog instance.Arguments
- const Ptr<WidgetDialog> & widgetdialog - Pointer to WidgetDialog.
Return value
Pointer to WidgetDialogFile.void setFile(const char * file)
Selects a given file in the file picker.Arguments
- const char * file - Absolute or relative (to the data folder) path.
const char * getFile()
Returns the currently selected file.Return value
Path to the file.void setFilter(const char * filter)
Sets a file name filter, which is used to display files of required types only.Arguments
- const char * filter - List of file extensions with leading dots and without additional separators, for example: .mesh.smesh.
const char * getFilter()
Returns the currently used file name filter.Return value
List of file extensions with leading dots and without additional separators, for example: .mesh.smesh.void setPath(const char * path)
Sets a path to the folder, contents of which should be displayed in the file picker.Arguments
- const char * path - Absolute or relative (to the data folder) path.
const char * getPath()
Returns the current path to the folder, contents of which is displayed in the file picker.Return value
Current path to the folder.void setTabs(const char * tabs)
Adds a set of tabs to the file picker dialog. The tabs allow the user to interact with several folders at once.Arguments
- const char * tabs - List of paths separated with semicolons. Each path corresponds to a tab.
const char * getTabs()
Returns a list of tabs in the file picker dialog. The tabs allow the user to interact several folders at once.Return value
List of paths separated with semicolons. Each path corresponds to a tab.Last update: 26.04.2018
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