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Unigine::TileSetFile Class

Header: #include <UnigineTilesetFile.h>

This class is used to create a tileset file — the file that keeps data that is based on X and Y indices. The values of X and Y are limited to the integer and can be both positive and negative. The maximum size of the tile is limited to 2Gb. The maximum size of a tileset is limited to the unsigned integer value. Tileset files are stored using the .UTS and .UTSH formats.

TilesetFile Class


static TilesetFilePtr create ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a tileset file.

int getNumTiles ( ) #

Returns the number of tiles in the tileset file.

Return value

Number of tiles.

long long getOffset ( int x, int y ) #

Returns the offset for the tile with specified coordinates.


  • int x - X-coordinate value.
  • int y - Y-coordinate value.

Return value

Offset value.

int isOpened ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the tileset file is opened.

Return value

1 if the tileset file is opened; otherwise, 0.

int setTile ( int x, int y, unsigned char * OUT_data, int force = 1 ) #

Sets the data of the specified tile by copying from the source buffer.


  • int x - X-coordinate value.
  • int y - Y-coordinate value.
  • unsigned char * OUT_data - Source buffer.
    This output buffer is to be filled by the Engine as a result of executing the method.
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be updated immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the data will be updated only when the flushHeader() method is called.
    To improve performance it is recommended to set this flag to 0 to accumulate multiple tile update operations and apply them all at once by calling the flushHeader() method.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int getTile ( int x, int y, unsigned char * OUT_data ) #

Copies the data of the specified tile to the destination buffer.


  • int x - X-coordinate value.
  • int y - Y-coordinate value.
  • unsigned char * OUT_data - Destination buffer.
    This output buffer is to be filled by the Engine as a result of executing the method.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int getTilePos ( int num, int & x, int & y ) #

Retrieves the coordinates of the tile with a given index and puts them to x and y respectively.


  • int num - Tile index.
  • int & x - X-coordinate of the tile.
  • int & y - Y-coordinate of the tile.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int getTileSize ( ) #

Returns the size of the tile for the tileset file.

Return value

Tile size.

int close ( ) #

Closes the tileset file.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int createFile ( const char * name, int tile_size ) #

Creates a tileset file with a given name and tile size.


  • const char * name - File name.
  • int tile_size - Tile size.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int flushHeader ( ) #

Applies all pending setTile() and removeTile() operations.
The tileset file must be opened.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int hasTile ( int x, int y ) #

Returns a value indicating if there is a tile with the specified coordinates in the file.


  • int x - X-coordinate value.
  • int y - Y-coordinate value.

Return value

1, if the file contains the specified tile; otherwise, 0.

int load ( const char * name ) #

Loads the given tileset file.


  • const char * name - File name.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int removeTile ( int x, int y, int force = 1 ) #

Removes the tile with specified coordinates from the file.


  • int x - X-coordinate value.
  • int y - Y-coordinate value.
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be updated immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the data will be updated only when the flushHeader() method is called.
    To improve performance it is recommended to set this flag to 0 to accumulate multiple tile update operations and apply them all at once by calling the flushHeader() method.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int setDoubleAttribute ( const char * name, double value, int force = 1 ) #

Sets the given value for the attribute with the specified name.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.
  • double value - Attribute value.
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be updated immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the data will be updated only when the flushAttributes() method is called.
    To improve performance it is recommended to set this flag to 0 to accumulate multiple tile update operations and apply them all at once by calling the flushAttributes() method.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

double getDoubleAttribute ( const char * name ) #

Returns the current value of the attribute with the specified name.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.

Return value

Attribute value.

int setIntAttribute ( const char * name, int value, int radix = 10, int force = 1 ) #

Sets the given value for the attribute with the specified name.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.
  • int value - Attribute value to be set.
  • int radix - Numerical base used to represent the value as a string, one of the following values:
    • 2 - binary
    • 10 - octal
    • 10 - decimal
    • 16 - hexadecimal
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be updated immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the data will be updated only when the flushAttributes() method is called.
    To improve performance it is recommended to set this flag to 0 to accumulate multiple tile update operations and apply them all at once by calling the flushAttributes() method.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int getIntAttribute ( const char * name ) #

Returns the current value of the attribute with the specified name.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.

Return value

Attribute value.

int setFloatAttribute ( const char * name, float value, int force = 1 ) #

Sets the given value for the attribute with the specified name.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.
  • float value - Attribute value to be set.
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be updated immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the data will be updated only when the flushAttributes() method is called.
    To improve performance it is recommended to set this flag to 0 to accumulate multiple tile update operations and apply them all at once by calling the flushAttributes() method.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

float getFloatAttribute ( const char * name ) #

Returns the current value of the attribute with the specified name.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.

Return value

Attribute value.

int hasAttribute ( const char * name ) #

Returns a value indicating if an attribute with the specified name exists in the tileset file.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.

Return value

1, if an attribute with the specified name exists; otherwise, 0.

int setAttribute ( const char * name, const char * value, int force = 1 ) #

Sets the given value for the attribute with the specified name.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.
  • const char * value - Attribute value to be set as a string.
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be updated immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the data will be updated only when the flushAttributes() method is called.
    To improve performance it is recommended to set this flag to 0 to accumulate multiple tile update operations and apply them all at once by calling the flushAttributes() method.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

String getAttribute ( const char * name ) #

Returns the current value of the attribute with the specified name.


  • const char * name - Attribute name.

Return value

Attribute value as a string.

int removeAttribute ( const char * name, int force = 1 ) #

Removes the attribute with the given name.


  • const char * name - Name of the attribute to be removed.
  • int force - Force flag.
    • If 1 is specified, the data will be updated immediately.
    • If 0 is specified, the data will be updated only when the flushAttributes() method is called.
    To improve performance it is recommended to set this flag to 0 to accumulate multiple tile update operations and apply them all at once by calling the flushAttributes() method.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

int flushAttributes ( ) #

Applies all pending setAttribute(), setDoubleAttribute(), setIntAttribute(), setFloatAttribute()and removeAttribute() operations.
The tileset file must be opened.

Return value

1, if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.

Vector< String > getAttributeNames ( ) #

Returns the list of names of all attributes in the tileset file.

Return value

Vector containing names of all attributes in the tileset file.
Last update: 2019-11-28
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