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Video Tutorials
How To
Professional (SIM)
Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Version Control
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Built-in Node Types
Light Sources
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Materials and Shaders
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
API Reference
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Content Creation
Content Optimization
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples

Project Workflow

The article provides key information on the workflow stages for developing a project with UNIGINE.

Creating a Project#

A new project is created via UNIGINE SDK Browser. At this stage, you can specify the required project settings.

The created project will have the default file structure that will be changed in the development stage.

Developing a Project#

Once the project has been created, you can start developing it. It is the most important stage as it includes working with content and implementing the application logic.

Working with Content#

All your project's content must be stored in the data directory.

Working with the project content is performed via UnigineEditor and includes:

  1. Placing your assets in the supported formats inside the data folder of your project or creating/importing them via the Asset Browser.
    In the data/.runtimes directory, UNIGINE native runtime formats generated for the corresponding non-native assets (such as .fbx, .hdr, etc.) will be stored.
  2. Assembling the scene via UnigineEditor, namely: placing objects, setting up materials, properties, physics of the objects, setting up lighting, adjusting global settings (environment, global illumination and other render settings).
    Unlike the other engines, UNIGINE provides its own material system with a rich set of built-in base materials using predefined shaders. You can adjust settings of the built-in base materials via UnigineEditor to get the desired result. You can also extend the set of available materials by adding custom ones utilizing custom shaders.

    See also the article on World Management.

Implementing Logic#

UNIGINE provides the following APIs for implementing the application logic:

  • C# API for a good balance between speed and ease of use. It allows using C# Component System enabled by default and integrated into the UnigineEditor. It is the easiest way to implement your application logic in components and assign them to any node to be executed.
  • C++ API for maximum performance of the application and seamless integration with the existing code base.
  • UnigineScript API for fast iterative scripting language featuring instant compilation and thousands of useful functions.

You can stick to a single language: C++ if maximum performance is a key factor, or C# for optimum balance. In case of C# (.NET), UNIGINE provides the C# Component System integrated into UnigineEditor. This approach is deemed to be the most convenient and ensuring good performance for complex applications with elaborate logic.

Alternatively, you can have different programming languages (C++, C#, and UnigineScript) for different pieces of your project: for example, you can use C++ for base classes and performance consuming operations; and implement some simple application logic in UnigineScript. You can also call methods from one API when using another, and manually expand API functionality.

The scripts (both *.h and *.usc) written in UnigineScript are stored in the data directory. The C++/C# source code is stored in the source directory of the project folder.

Tracking Changes#

Tracking changes to files of the project by Version Control System is performed according to the specific rules.

See Also#

Packing a Final Build for Publishing#

Packing a final build is required when you need the final release version of the application for publishing. It can be done via UnigineEditor.

Last update: 2022-09-26
Build: ()