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Obstacle Capsule

An obstacle capsule is a capsule-shaped obstacle that is detected and bypassed by other objects during pathfinding. The obstacle capsule can be added, for example, for the capsule-shaped nodes (trunks, columns, chimney shafts and so on) that are placed inside a navigation area and should be bypassed.

An obstacle capsule and a fur

The obstacle capsule is set by radius and height, where:

  • radius is the radius of the cylinder and hemispheres of the capsule.
  • height is the height of the cylinder of the capsule.

See also#

  • The ObstacleCapsule class to manage capsule obstacles via API
  • The PathRoute class to create 2D and 3D routes among obstacles
  • The article on Creating Routes
  • A set of articles on Navigation Areas
  • A set of samples located in the data/samples/paths folder:
    • obstacle_00
    • route_01
    • route_02

Adding Obstacle Capsule#

To add a capsule obstacle to the scene via UnigineEditor:

  1. Run UnigineEditor.
  2. On the Menu bar, click Create -> Navigation -> Obstacle Capsule.

  3. Click somewhere in the world to place the obstacle.

A new obstacle capsule is added to UnigineEditor and you can edit it via the Parameters window. See also the example on obstacle usage.

Editing Obstacle Capsule#

On the Node tab of the Parameters window, you can adjust the following parameters of the obstacle box:

Obstacle Mask The obstacle mask of the obstacle capsule must match the obstacle mask of the route that is calculated during pathfinding. Otherwise, the obstacle is not taken into account during pathfinding. Also by using the obstacle mask, you can specify obstacle capsules that should be ignored during pathfinding.
Radius Radius of the obstacle capsule, in units.
Height Height of the obstacle capsule, in units.
Last update: 24.11.2020
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