Unigine::CustomSystemProxy Class
Header: | #include <UnigineCustomSystemProxy.h> |
This class is used for integration with another systems (for example, Qt, SDL, WPF, WinForms). Most of its functions are virtual, so you need to override them when implementing your application.
In general, the CustomSystemProxy-based workflow is the following:
- Include the UnigineCustomSystemProxy.h header file into the source code.
- Create a custom class and inherit it from the Unigine::CustomSystemProxy class.
- Override all of the virtual functions specified in the include/UnigineCustomSystemProxy.h file.
- Define the supported features via the proxy constructor (the SYSTEM_PROXY_* variables).
- Implement the functions according to the list of the supported features, including event handling and rendering into an external window, if required.
The full-featured example of integrating UNIGINE Engine into the QT framework can be found in the source/apps/main_qt folder (SystemProxyQt.h, SystemProxyQt.cpp).
The following code is the part of the SystemProxyQt example:
// include the header file
#include <UnigineCustomSystemProxy.h>
#include <UnigineVector.h>
// create a custom class and inherit it from CustomSystemProxy
class SystemProxyQt final : public Unigine::CustomSystemProxy
~SystemProxyQt() override;
// override the required virtual functions
// main thread
bool isEngineActive() override;
void mainUpdate() override {}
// windows (check support for create and remove only)
Unigine::WIN_HANDLE createWindow(int width, int height) override;
void removeWindow(Unigine::WIN_HANDLE win_handle) override;
void setWindowTitle(Unigine::WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const char *title) override;
void setWindowIcon(Unigine::WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const Unigine::ImagePtr &image) override;
// displays
int getDisplayDefaultSystemDPI() const override;
int getNumDisplays() const override;
// joysticks
void getConnectedJoysticks(Unigine::Vector<int32_t> &connected_ids) override {}
int getJoystickPlayerIndex(int32_t joy_id) const override { return -1; }
int getJoystickDeviceType(int32_t joy_id) const override { return -1; }
// gamepads
void getConnectedGamepads(Unigine::Vector<int32_t> &connected_ids) override {}
// other
bool hasClipboardText() const override;
// ...
using namespace Unigine;
// create a proxy that can work with the mouse and keyboard and create windows
// functions implementation (window creation, events processing, rendering into an external window, etc.)
// ...
See Also#
- The Integrating with Frameworks article
CustomSystemProxy Class
CustomSystemProxy ( int features ) #
Constructor. Creates an instance of the CustomSustemProxy class and specifies the supported features (mouse, keyboard, joystick, etc.).Arguments
- int features - Supported features.
CustomSystemProxy * get ( ) #
Returns the CustomSystemProxy instance.Return value
CustomSystemProxy instance.int getFeatures ( ) const#
Returns the set of features CustomSystemProxy can perform.Return value
Mask specifying the set of SYSTEM_PROXY_* features CustomSystemProxy can perform.bool isWindowsSupported ( ) const#
Returns the value indicating if CustomSystemProxy supports windows creation.Return value
true if CustomSystemProxy supports windows creation, otherwise false.bool isMouseSupported ( ) const#
Returns the value indicating if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the mouse.Return value
true if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the mouse, otherwise false.bool isKeyboardSupported ( ) const#
Returns the value indicating if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the keyboard.Return value
true if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the keyboard, otherwise false.bool isTouchesSupported ( ) const#
Returns the value indicating if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the sensor input.Return value
true if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the sensor input, otherwise false.bool isDisplaysSupported ( ) const#
Returns the value indicating if CustomSystemProxy can provide information on displays.Return value
true if CustomSystemProxy can provide information on displays, otherwise false.bool isJoysticksSupported ( ) const#
Returns the value indicating if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the joystick input.Return value
true if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the joystick input, otherwise false.bool isGamepadsSupported ( ) const#
Returns the value indicating if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the gamepad input.Return value
true if CustomSystemProxy supports work with the gamepad input, otherwise false.bool initExternalWindowBuffers ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const ivec2& size ) #
Initialization of the resources for rendering to the external window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Window handle.
- const ivec2& size - Window size.
Return value
true if the operation is successful, otherwise false.bool resizeExternalWindowBuffers ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const ivec2& size ) #
Resizing of the external window in order to update the internal textures.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Window handle.
- const ivec2& size - Window size.
Return value
true if the operation is successful, otherwise false.bool shutdownExternalWindowBuffers ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Shutdown of all resources required for rendering to the external window upon closing the window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Window handle.
Return value
true if the operation is successful, otherwise false.void onExternalWindowRender ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Rendering into the specified external window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Handle of the window into which the image is rendered.
void invokeWindowEvent ( WindowEventPtr e ) #
Conveys the window event to Window Manager.Arguments
- WindowEventPtr e - Window event.
void invokeInputEvent ( InputEventPtr e ) #
Conveys the input event to Window Manager.Arguments
- InputEventPtr e - Input event.
void mainUpdate ( ) #
Callback from the main thread before the update.WIN_HANDLE createWindow ( int width, int height ) #
Returns the engine handle of the created window.Arguments
- int width - Window width.
- int height - Window height.
Return value
Engine window handle.void removeWindow ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Destroys the window using its handle.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
void setWindowTitle ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const char* title ) #
Sets the window title.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- const char* title - Window title.
void setWindowIcon ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const ImagePtr& image ) #
Sets the window icon.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- const ImagePtr& image - Image to be used as the icon.
void setWindowSize ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const ivec2& size ) #
Sets the window size.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- const ivec2& size - Window size (width and height).
void setWindowMinSize ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const ivec2& size ) #
Sets the minimum possible size of the window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- const ivec2& size - Window size (width and height).
void setWindowMaxSize ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const ivec2& size ) #
Sets the maximum possible size of the window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- const ivec2& size - Window size (width and height).
void setWindowPosition ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, const ivec2& pos ) #
Sets the window position (top left corner) in screen coordinates.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- const ivec2& pos - Window position.
void showWindow ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Renders the window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
void hideWindow ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Hides the window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
void setWindowFocus ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Sets the focus to the engine window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
void setWindowMouseGrab ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, bool state ) #
Sets a value indicating if the mouse pointer is bound to the window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- bool state - true if the mouse cannot leave the window; otherwise, false.
void setWindowResizable ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, bool state ) #
Sets a value indicating if the window can be resized.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- bool state - true if the window can be resized; otherwise, false.
void setWindowBordered ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, bool state ) #
Sets a value indicating if the window has borders.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- bool state - true if the window has borders; otherwise, false.
void disableWindowFullscreen ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Disables the fullscreen mode for the window with the specified handle and returns it to window mode.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
bool enableWindowFullscreen ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, int display, int mode ) #
Maximizes the window with the specified handle to the fullscreen mode on the specified display with the specified mode.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- int display - Display index.
- int mode - Mode index.
Return value
true if the window with the specified handle is successfully maximized to the fullscreen mode on the specified display with the specified mode; otherwise, false.void minimizeWindow ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Minimizes the window to tray.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
void maximizeWindow ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Maximizes the window to the whole screen.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
void restoreWindow ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Restores the window from the minimized or maximized state.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
void setWindowOpacity ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, float opacity ) #
Sets the window opacity.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
- float opacity - Window opacity.
int getWindowDisplayIndex ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) const#
Returns the index of the display in which the window is rendered.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
Return value
Display index.ivec4 getWindowSystemBorderSize ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Returns the size of the system window borders.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
Return value
Size of the system window borders.int getHitTestAreaIntersection ( uint64_t win_handle, int global_pos_x, int global_pos_y ) #
Returns a value indicating if intersection of the cursor with the window drag area is detected.Arguments
- uint64_t win_handle - Engine window handle.
- int global_pos_x - X coordinate of the cursor in global coordinates.
- int global_pos_y - Y coordinate of the cursor in global coordinates.
Return value
1 if intersection is detected; otherwise 0.void setGlobalMousePosition ( const ivec2& pos ) #
Sets the mouse position in global coordinates relative to the main system display.Arguments
- const ivec2& pos - Mouse position in global coordinates.
ivec2 getGlobalMousePosition ( ) const#
Returns the mouse position in global coordinates relative to the main system display.Return value
Mouse position in global coordinates.void showCursor ( bool state ) #
Sets a value indicating if the cursor is shown.Arguments
- bool state - true to show the cursor, false to hide it.
void showMouseCursorSystemArrow ( ) #
Sets the system arrow as the mouse cursor.void setMouseCursorSkinCustom ( const ImagePtr& mouse_skin ) #
Sets the specified skin image as the mouse cursor.Arguments
- const ImagePtr& mouse_skin - Image containing pointer shapes to be set for the mouse cursor (e.g., select, move, resize, etc.).
void setMouseCursorSkinSystem ( ) #
Sets the current OS cursor skin (pointer shapes like select, move, resize, etc.).void setMouseCursorCustom ( const ImagePtr& image, int x, int y ) #
Sets a custom image for the OS mouse cursor. The image must be of the square size and RGBA8 format. This method of setting cursor has the priority over other cursor setting methods. The image set by this method can be cleared only using the clearMouseCursorCustom() method.Arguments
- const ImagePtr& image - Image containing pointer shapes to be set for the mouse cursor (e.g., select, move, resize, etc.).
- int x - X coordinate of the cursor's hot spot.
- int y - Y coordinate of the cursor's hot spot.
void clearMouseCursorCustom ( ) #
Clears the custom mouse cursor set via the setMouseCursorCustom() method.void changeMouseCursorSkinNumber ( int number ) #
Changes the cursor skin using the skin number.Arguments
- int number - Cursor skin number, one of the CURSOR_* pre-defined variables.
int getDisplayDefaultSystemDPI ( ) const#
Returns the default system dots/pixels-per-inch value.Return value
Dots/pixels-per-inch value.int getNumDisplays ( ) const#
Returns the total number of displays.Return value
Number of displays.ivec2 getDisplayPosition ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the position of the specified display.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Display position.ivec2 getDisplayResolution ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the resolution of the specified display.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Display resolution.int getDisplayDPI ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the DPI of the specified display.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Display DPI.int getMainDisplay ( ) const#
Returns the index of the main display.Return value
Display index.int getDisplayNumModes ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the total number of available display modes.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Number of available display modes.ivec2 getDisplayModeResolution ( int display_index, int mode_index ) const#
Returns the DPI of the specified mode for the selected display.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
- int mode_index - Index of the display mode.
Return value
Display DPI.int getDisplayModeRefreshRate ( int display_index, int mode_index ) const#
Returns the refresh rate of the specified display mode.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
- int mode_index - Index of the display mode.
Return value
Refresh rate of the specified display mode.const char * getDisplayName ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the system name of the specified display.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Display name.bool hasClipboardText ( ) const#
Returns the value showing if the clipboard contains anything.Return value
true if there is text in the clipboard, otherwise false.void setClipboardText ( const char* str ) #
Updates the contents of the system clipboard.Arguments
- const char* str - Contents to set.
const char* getClipboardText ( ) #
Retrieves the contents of the system clipboard.Return value
Contents of the system clipboard.bool showDialogMessage ( const char* title, const char* message, WIN_HANDLE parent_window_handle ) #
Displays a message dialog with the specified title and text.Arguments
- const char* title - Title of the message window.
- const char* message - Text of the message.
- WIN_HANDLE parent_window_handle - Handle of the parent window.
Return value
true if the dialog message is displayed successfully, otherwise false.bool showDialogWarning ( const char* title, const char* warning, WIN_HANDLE parent_window_handle ) #
Displays a warning dialog with the specified title and text.Arguments
- const char* title - Title of the warning window.
- const char* warning - Text of the warning.
- WIN_HANDLE parent_window_handle - Handle of the parent window.
Return value
true if the dialog warning is displayed successfully, otherwise false.bool showDialogError ( const char* title, const char* error, WIN_HANDLE parent_window_handle ) #
Displays an error dialog with the specified title and text.Arguments
- const char* title - Title of the error window.
- const char* error - Text of the error.
- WIN_HANDLE parent_window_handle - Handle of the parent window.
Return value
true if the dialog error is displayed successfully, otherwise false.bool needRenderExternalWindow ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Checks rendering of the external window. If the window is minimized, occluded by other windows and so on, this information can be passed to the Engine (to stop rendering, for example).Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Handle of the external window into which the image is rendered.
Return value
true if the window is rendered, otherwise, false.void setWindowModal ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, WIN_HANDLE parent_handle ) #
Sets the window as a modal for the parent window.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Window to be set modal.
- WIN_HANDLE parent_handle - Parent window for the modal window.
void setWindowAlwaysOnTop ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle, bool state ) #
Places the window above all other windows. The window maintains its topmost position even when it is deactivated.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Window to be set modal.
- bool state - true to make the engine window topmost, false to set the default engine window behavior.
void getConnectedJoysticks ( Vector<int32_t>& connected_ids ) #
Returns identifiers of all connected joysticks.Arguments
- Vector<int32_t>& connected_ids - Vector of IDs.
int getJoystickPlayerIndex ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the joystick player index.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Player index.int getJoystickDeviceType ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the type of the joystick.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Joystick type.int getJoystickVendor ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the vendor ID of the joystick.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Joystick vendor ID.int getJoystickProduct ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the product ID of the joystick.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Joystick product ID.int getJoystickProductVersion ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the product version of the joystick.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Joystick product version.const char * getJoystickName ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the name of the joystick.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Joystick name.const char * getJoystickModelGUID ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the name of the joystick.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Model GUID of the joystick.int getJoystickNumButtons ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the number of the joystick buttons.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Number of buttons.int getJoystickNumAxes ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the number of the joystick axes.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Number of axes.int getJoystickNumPovs ( int32_t joy_id ) const#
Returns the number of the joystick POV hats.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
Return value
Number of POV hats.float getJoystickAxisInitValue ( int32_t joy_id, int axis ) const#
Returns the initial value of the joystick axis control.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
- int axis - Axis index.
Return value
Initial value of the axis control.const char * getJoystickButtonName ( int32_t joy_id, int button ) #
Returns the name of the joystick button.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
- int button - Button index.
Return value
Button name.const char * getJoystickAxisName ( int32_t joy_id, int axis ) #
Returns the name of the joystick axis.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
- int axis - Axis index.
Return value
Axis name.const char * getJoystickPovName ( int32_t joy_id, int pov ) #
Returns the name of the joystick POV hat.Arguments
- int32_t joy_id - Joystick ID.
- int pov - POV hat index.
Return value
POV hat name.void getConnectedGamepads ( Vector<int32_t>& connected_ids ) #
Returns identifiers of all connected gamepads.Arguments
- Vector<int32_t>& connected_ids - Vector of IDs.
int getGamepadPlayerIndex ( int32_t pad_id ) const#
Returns the player index of the gamepad.Arguments
- int32_t pad_id - Gamepad ID.
Return value
Player index.int getGamepadDeviceType ( int32_t pad_id ) const#
Returns the type of the gamepad.Arguments
- int32_t pad_id - Gamepad ID.
Return value
Gamepad type.int getGamepadModelType ( int32_t pad_id ) const#
Returns the model type of the joystick.Arguments
- int32_t pad_id - Gamepad ID.
Return value
Model type.const char * getGamepadName ( int32_t pad_id ) const#
Return the name of the gamepad.Arguments
- int32_t pad_id - Gamepad ID.
Return value
Gamepad name.const char * getGamepadModelGUID ( int32_t pad_id ) const#
Returns the model GUID of the gamepad.Arguments
- int32_t pad_id - Gamepad ID.
Return value
Model GUID.void setGamepadVibration ( int32_t pad_id, float low_frequency, float high_frequency, float duration_ms ) #
Starts vibration of the gamepad.Arguments
- int32_t pad_id - Gamepad ID.
- float low_frequency - Low-frequency (left) motor speed.
- float high_frequency - High-frequency (right) motor speed.
- float duration_ms - Duration of vibration, in milliseconds.
int getGamepadNumTouches ( int32_t pad_id ) const#
Returns the total number of touch panels for the specified gamepad.Arguments
- int32_t pad_id - Gamepad ID.
Return value
Total number of touch panels for the specified gamepad.int getGamepadNumTouchFingers ( int32_t pad_id, int touch ) const#
Returns the total number of fingers supported by the specified gamepad touch panel.Arguments
- int32_t pad_id - Gamepad ID.
- int touch - Index of the gamepad touch panel, the number from 0 to the total number of touch panels.
Return value
Total number of the fingers supported by the specified gamepad touch panel.int getDisplayRefreshRate ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the refresh rate of the display.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Refresh rate.int getDisplayCurrentMode ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the number of the current display mode.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Number of the current display mode.int getDisplayDesktopMode ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the number of the desktop's display mode.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Number of the desktop's display mode.int getDisplayOrientation ( int display_index ) const#
Returns the orientation of the display.Arguments
- int display_index - Display index.
Return value
Display orientation.bool isDpiAwarenessSupported ( int32_t mode ) const#
Returns a value indicating if the specified DPI awareness mode is supported.Arguments
- int32_t mode - DPI awareness mode, the value indicating how the application processes the DPI scaling.
Return value
true the specified DPI awareness mode is supported; otherwise, false.bool isKeyboardModifierEnabled ( int modifier ) const#
Returns a value indicating if the specified keyboard modifier is enabled.Arguments
- int modifier - Keyboard modifier (one of the Input::MODIFIER_* variables).
Return value
true if the keyboard modifier is enabled; otherwise, false.unsigned int keyToUnicode ( unsigned int key ) const#
Returns the specified key transformed to Unicode.Arguments
- unsigned int key - Key (one of the Input::KEY_* variables).
Return value
Unicode symbol.unsigned int unicodeToKey ( unsigned int unicode ) const#
Returns the key transformed from the specified Unicode symbol.Arguments
- unsigned int unicode - Unicode symbol.
Return value
Key (one of the Input::KEY_* variables).bool isFocus ( ) #
Returns the value indicating if focus is set on the window.Return value
true if focus is set on the window; otherwise, false.void focusGained ( ) #
The focus is set on the window.void focusLost ( ) #
The focus is removed from the window.void updateWindowOrders ( ) #
Updates the Z order of all windows.Notice
It is recommended to use this method only when required, because it is very slow.
int getWindowOrder ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) const#
Returns the window Z-order.Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
Return value
Window order (a lower value means that the window is closer to the viewer).void windowToTop ( WIN_HANDLE win_handle ) #
Brings the window with the specified handle to top (atop of all other windows).Arguments
- WIN_HANDLE win_handle - Engine window handle.
WIN_HANDLE getWindowIntersection ( const ivec2& global_pos, const Vector<WIN_HANDLE>& excludes ) #
Returns the handle of the window the intersection with which is detected.Arguments
- const ivec2& global_pos - The coordinates of the intersection point in global coordinates.
- const Vector<WIN_HANDLE>& excludes - The windows to be excluded from the intersection detection.
Return value
The handle of the window the intersection with which is detected.Last update:
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