Math Exponential Functions
variable exp (variable arg)
Calculates the exponent of e.Arguments
Return value
e raised to the power of arg. The type of returned value will depend on the argument type:- float for int, long, float arguments
- double for double arguments
- vec4 for vec4 arguments
- dvec3 for dvec3 arguments
- dvec4 for dvec4 arguments
variable log10 (variable arg)
Base-10 logarithm.Arguments
Return value
Base-10 logarithm of arg. The type of returned value will depend on the argument type:- float for int, long, float arguments
- double for double arguments
- vec4 for vec4 arguments
- dvec3 for dvec3 arguments
- dvec4 for dvec4 arguments
variable log (variable arg)
Natural logarithm.Arguments
Return value
Natural logarithm of arg. The type of returned value will depend on the argument type:- float for int, long, float arguments
- double for double arguments
- vec4 for vec4 arguments
- dvec3 for dvec3 arguments
- dvec4 for dvec4 arguments
variable pow (variable base, variable exp)
Exponential expression.Arguments
- variable base - Base. Can be the following types:
- variable exp - Power. The value can be of the following types:
Return value
Base raised to the power of exp.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
result is:
float: 4
vec3: 4 9 16
vec3: 4 27 256
variable rsqrt (variable arg)
Inverted square root.Arguments
Return value
1.0 / sqrt(arg)The type of returned value will depend on the argument type:
- float for int, long, float arguments
- double for double arguments
- vec4 for vec4 arguments
- dvec3 for dvec3 arguments
- dvec4 for dvec4 arguments
variable sqrt (variable arg)
Square root.Arguments
Return value
Square root of arg. The type of returned value will depend on the argument type:Last update: 03.07.2017
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