Container Functions
All of the functions below are called as member functions of a given vector or a map
void allocate (int size)
Preallocates memory for a given number of elements in the vector (it is available only for vectors). With this function, it is possible to allocate memory only once, rather than for each new element.Notice
The allocate() function is available only for vectors.
- int size - Number of elements the vector will hold.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0];
vector.allocate(5); // allocate memory for the five elements
// add new elements
// vector now has 5 components: (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
void append (variable value)
This function receives a new element value and adds it to the end of a vector.Notice
The error UserArray::append(): unknown array type indicates that an empty container was not declared properly:
- If a vector, its size should be necessarily specified.
- If a map, its size is not specified.
- variable value - Element to append.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0] = ( 0, 1 );
// add an element to the vector
// vector now has 3 components: ( 0, 1, 4 )
void append (int index, variable value)
This function inserts an element into a specified position of a vector.Arguments
- int index - New element index.
- variable value - Element to append.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0] = ( 0, 1 );
// insert an element into the vector
// the vector content is ( 0, 100, 1 )
void append (int id, int position, int size)
This function adds elements of the second vector to the end of the source vector.Arguments
- int id - Vector of the same type as vector.
- int position - Index offset.
- int size - Number of elements to append.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int a[] = ( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
int b[] = ( 5, 6, 7, 8 );
// get two elements starting from the first index of the b vector and then add it into the a vector
// the result is the 6-component vector: ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 )
void append (variable key)
Adds a new key to a map. The size of the map will be increased by number of the appended elements.Notice
After the function is applied, map keys are sorted in the ascending order.
- variable key - New key appended to the map. The value of the key is int 0.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int map[] = ( 1 : "one" , 2 : "two", 3 : "three");
// add a key and a value to the map
// now the map components are: ( 1 : "one", 2 : "two", 3 : "three", 4 : 0 )
void append (variable key, variable value)
Adds a new key-value pair to a map. If such a key already exists, then its value will be replaced with the new one.Notice
After the function is applied, map keys are sorted in the ascending order.
- variable key - New key appended to the map.
- variable value - Value associated with key.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int map[] = ( 1 : "one" , 2 : "two", 3 : "three");
// add a key to the map
// the result is a map, where the second key-value pair is replaced: ( 1 : "one", 2 : "new_value", 3 : "three" )
void call (string name)
Calls the class member function for each element of the container where elements are instances of the class.Arguments
- string name - Name of the class member function to be called.
Source code(UnigineScript)
class Foo { void foo() { log.message("called\n"); } };
Foo f[] = ( new Foo(), new Foo());"foo");
void call ()
Calls user/external functions with the same number of arguments by using their identifiers stored in one array.Examples
For example, if you have an array that contains identifiers of different functions with the same number of arguments, you can call these functions at ones as follows:
Source code(UnigineScript)
void foo_1() {
log.message(__FUNC__ + ": called\n");
void foo_2() {
log.message(__FUNC__ + ": called\n");
void foo_3() {
log.message(__FUNC__ + ": called\n");
// declare array of functions identifiers
int functions[0];
int init() {
// add the functions identifiers to the array
// call at ones all the functions stored in the array;
foo_1(): called
foo_2(): called
foo_3(): called
int check (variable argument)
Checks, if a given index or a key exists in a container.Arguments
- variable argument - Integer position (for a vector) or the key (for a map) of some element.
Return value
1, if the index or the key is found; otherwise, 0.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int array[] = ( -1 : -1, 0 : 0, 1 : 1 );
// check an element for existence
// return value: 1
Variable check (variable argument, variable return_value)
Checks a given index or a key for existence and safely returns its value.Arguments
- variable argument - Integer position (for a vector) or the key (for a map) of some element.
- variable return_value - Value to return if a given index or a key is not found.
Return value
Value of the given index (for vectors) or the key (for maps), if it is found; otherwise the specified return value.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int array[] = ( -1 : -1, 0 : 0, 1 : 1 );
// safely get an array element
array.check(-1,-13); // the result is: -1, which represents the value from pair ( -1 : -1 ).
array.check(-2,-13); // the result is: -13. It is the specified return value.
void clear ()
Deletes all contents of a container.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0] = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
// now the vector is empty.
int compare (int size)
Compares two containers of the same type.Arguments
- int size - Container of the same type as container.
Return value
1, if the contents of the containers are equal; otherwise, 0Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector1[0] = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
int vector2[0] = ( 11, 22, 33, 44 );
// compare;
// return 0, because the contents of the vectors are not equal.
void copy (int id)
Copies one container to another, replacing its current elements.Arguments
- int id - Container of the same type as container
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector1[0] = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
int vector2[0] = ( 11, 22, 33, 44 );
// vector1 is replaced with vector2: ( 11, 22, 33, 44 )
// vector2 is not changed
int map1[] = ( 1 : "one", 2 : "two", 3 : "three", 4 : "four" );
int map2[] = ( 1 : "11", 3 : "33", 5 : "55" );
// map1 is replaced with map2: ( 1 : "11", 3 : "33", 5 : "55" )
// map2 is not changed
void delete ()
Deletes the container, while all classes stored in it are properly destructed (if not referenced to by other variables).Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
Foo array[] = ( new Foo() );
void delete (int position, int size)
Deletes a specified number of the vector elements starting with a specified position. On the function call, destructors will be called and the vector elements in the specified range will be deleted.Notice
This function is available only for vectors.
- int position - Index offset.
- int size - Number of elements to delete.
Source code(UnigineScript)
Foo array[] = ( new Foo(), new Foo(), new Foo(), new Foo() );
// delete the first 3 elements of the vector
Variable find (variable value)
Searches a container for the first occurrence of a given value.Arguments
- variable value - Target element value.
Return value
Corresponding position or the key upon success; otherwise -1.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int array[] = ( -1 : -1, 0 : 0, 1 : 1 );
// find an element in the map that contains -1 key
log.message("%d\n",array.find(-1)); // the result is: -1, which is correct
log.message("%d\n",array.find(2)); // the result is: -1, which is ambiguous in this case
To avoid the ambiguity, use the find function with 2 arguments.
Variable find (variable value, variable return_value)
The two-argument version of find() returns the second argument value if nothing is found.Arguments
- variable value - Target element value.
- variable return_value - Value returned if the value was not found in the container.
Return value
Corresponding position or the key upon success; otherwise the second argument value.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int array[] = ( -1 : -1, 0 : 0, 1 : 1 );
array.find(2,-13); // the return value is -13, which allows to avoid ambiguity
Variable get (int index)
Gets the element of a container by its index.Notice
Before the get() function is applied, map keys are automatically sorted in the ascending order. But it is not hold for vectors.
- int index - Element index.
Return value
Found element.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int container[0] = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
// the return value is: 3
int id ()
Returns the internal integer ID of a vector or a map. It can be used inside the call() function to pass the container to a function.Return value
The internal integer ID of the container.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
void fill(int a[]) {
void print(int a[]) {
log.message("%d : ",;
foreach(int i; a) {
log.message("%d ",i);
int a0[0];
int a1[0];
fill(a0); // fill the first array
print(a0); // the result is 93 : 13, where the first number is the id of the vector a0
call("fill",; // fill the second array
print(a1); // the result is 94 : 13, where the first number is the id of the vector a1
Variable key (int index)
Gets a key by an element index. It can be used for both vectors and maps.Notice
For vectors this function returns the index itself.
- int index - Element index.
Return value
The key (for a map) or the index (for a vector).Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int map[] = ( 1:2, 2:3, 3:4 );
forloop(int i = 0; map.size()) {
log.message("%d: %d %d\n",i,map.key(i),map.get(i));
// the result is the following:
// 0: 1 2
// 1: 2 3
// 2: 3 4
int left (variable value)
Returns the index of the element to the left from the specified element (found by its value). The vector must be sorted in the ascending order. The comparison operator used is: <.Notice
See also right().
This function is available only for vectors.
- variable value - Element value. Relative to this element, the left element is found.
Return value
Index of the found element; -1 if there is no element to the left from the specified element.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int v[0] = ( 2, 3, 8, 10 ); // a vector should be sorted in the ascending order
log.message("Left element index: %d\n",v.left(5)); // the result is: 1 (value: 3)
log.message("Left element index: %d\n",v.left(3)); // the result is: 0 (value: 2)
log.message("Left element index: %d\n",v.left(1)); // the result is: -1 (no element is found)
log.message("Left element index: %d\n",v.left(15)); // the result is: 3 (value: 10)
void lerp (int id_0, int id_1, variable k)
Linear interpolation between two vectors with the given coefficient. For vectors to be interpolated, they should be of equal size and contain values of the same type.Notice
This function is available only for vectors
- int id_0 - Vector to be interpolated.
- int id_1 - Second vector to interpolate with.
Vectors can contain values of the following types:
- int
- long
- float
- double
- vec3
- vec4
- dvec3
- dvec4
- ivec3
- ivec4
- mat4
- dmat4
- quat
NoticeIt is also possible to interpolate between vec3 and dvec3, vec4 and dvec4 in case the first vector is either vec3 or vec4. - variable k - interpolation coefficient. It can be:
- int
- long
- float
- double
void merge (int id)
Merges a specified container (by its ID) with the current one. The containers must be of the same type to be combined into one.Notice
- For vectors, values are appended to the end.
- For maps, new key-value pairs are added to the end of the current map. But if such a key already exists, the value will be replaced.
- int id - Container of the same type as container
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector1[0] = ( 1, 2, 3 );
int vector2[0] = ( 3, 4, 5 );
// merge vectors
// vector1 content is: ( 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5 )
// vector2 is not changed
int map1[] = ( 1 : "one", 2 : "two", 3 : "three", 4 : "four" );
int map2[] = ( 1 : "11", 3 : "33", 5 : "55" );
// merge maps
// map1 content is: ( 1 : "11", 2 : "two", 3 : "33", 4 : "four", 5 : "55" )
// map2 is not changed
void remove ()
Deletes the last element of a vector.Notice
This function is available only for vectors.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0] = ( 0, 1, 2, 3 );
// remove the last element
// vector now has 3 components: ( 0, 1, 2 )
void remove (variable argument)
Deletes a specified element from a container.Arguments
- variable argument - Integer index (for a vector) or the key (for a map) of some element
Source code(UnigineScript)
int container[0] = ( 40, 11, 28, 3 );
// remove the element with index = 2
// vector now has 3 components: ( 40, 11, 3 )
void remove (int position, int size)
Deletes a specified number of vector elements starting with a certain position.Notice
This function is available only for vectors.
- int position - Index offset.
- int size - Number of elements to delete.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0] = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 );
//remove the first six elements of the array
// vector content is: ( 7, 8 )
void removeFast (int position)
Deletes the specified vector element: moves the last vector element to the specified position and reduces the length of the vector.Notice
This function is available only for vectors.
- int position - Vector element index.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0] = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 );
//remove the first six elements of the array
// vector content is: ( 1, 2, 3, 8, 5, 6, 7 )
void resize (int size)
Changes the size of a vector.Notice
It is available only for vectors.
- int size - New size of a vector.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[10];
vector[3] = 30;
// change the size to 5
int right (variable value)
Returns the index of the element to the right from the specified element (found its value). The vector must be sorted in the ascending order. The comparison operator used is: >=.Notice
See also left().
This function is available only for vectors.
- variable value - Value relative to which the right element is found.
Return value
Index of the found element; -1 if there is no element to the right from the specified element.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int v[0] = ( 2, 3, 8, 10 ); // a vector should be sorted in the ascending order
log.message("Right element index: %d\n",v.right(5)); // the result is: 2 (value: 8)
log.message("Right element index: %d\n",v.right(1)); // the result is: 0 (value: 2)
log.message("Right element index: %d\n",v.right(10)); // the result is: 3 (value: 10)
log.message("Right element index: %d\n",v.right(15)); // the result is: -1 (no element is found)
void set (int index, variable value)
Sets the element of the container by its index.Notice
Before the set() function is applied, container is automatically sorted in the ascending order. But it is not hold for vectors.
- int index - Element index.
- variable value - Element value to set.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector1[0] = ( 1, 2, 3 );
// vector now has the following content: ( 1, 2, 4 )
int size ()
Counts the number of elements in a container and returns it.Return value
Number of container elements.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0] = ( 2, 3, 8, 10 );
log.message("Number of elements: %d\n",vector.size());
// the output is: "Number of elements: 4"
void sort ()
Sorts a vector in the ascending order.Notice
This function is available only for vectors.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[0] = ( 3, 2, 10, 8 );
// now the vector is: ( 2, 3, 8, 10 )
void sort (int id)
Sorts the vector that calls this function in the ascending order. A vector passed as an argument is sorted by the values of the first vector. Vectors should be of the same length.Notice
This function is available only for vectors.
- int id - Vector to be sorted by the values of vector. This argument vector should be of the same length as the first vector.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector1[0] = ( 3, 2, 10, 8 );
int vector2[0] = ( 1, 9, 4, 6 );
// vector1 is sorted in the ascending order: ( 2, 3, 8, 10 )
// and vector2 is sorted by the values of vector1: ( 9, 1, 6, 4 )
void step (int num)
Changes the current array iterator position inside the foreachkey().Notice
This function does nothing outside the foreachkey() statement.
- int num - Array iterator offset (number of elements to skip starting from the current position of the array iterator).
Source code(UnigineScript)
int a[];
forloop(int i = 0; 16) a.append(i);
foreachkey(int i; a) {
log.message("a: %d\n",i);
a: 0
a: 5
a: 10
a: 15
void swap (int id)
Swaps contents of two containers of the same type.Arguments
- int id - Container of the same type as container.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector1[0] = ( 1, 2, 3 );
int vector2[0] = ( 4, 5, 6 );
// vector1: ( 4, 5, 6 )
// vector2: ( 1, 2, 3 )
void swap (Variable k0, Variable k1)
Swaps 2 elements inside the container.Notice
In case of a map, only elements are swapped, keys remain the same.
- Variable k0 - Container element index to be swapped.
- Variable k1 - Container element index to be swapped.
Source code(UnigineScript)
int vector[] = (10,11,12,13,14);
int map[] = (0:5,1:6,2:7,3:8,4:9);
( int: 14, int: 11, int: 12, int: 13, int: 10)
( int: 0 : int: 9, int: 1 : int: 6, int: 2 : int: 7, int: 3 : int: 8, int: 4 : int: 5)
string typeinfo ()
Returns information about the container values, which is represented by pairs (type,value), where type is a container element type and value is an element value. For maps, such a pair is returned for both the key and the value.Return value
Information about the container elements: type, value.Examples
Source code(UnigineScript)
int a[] = ( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
int d[] = ( 1 : 1.0, 2 : 2.0, 3 : 3.0 );
log.message("Vector: %s\n",a.typeinfo());
log.message("Map: %s\n",d.typeinfo());
// Vector: ( int: 1, int: 2, int: 3, int: 4 )
// Map: ( int: 1 : double: 1, int: 2 : double: 2, int: 3 : double: 3 )
Last update: 03.07.2017
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