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Math Random Functions

float rand ()

Generate a floating point random value in range [0,1). The function returns system rand() / RAND_MAX.

Return value

A pseudo-random number between 0.0 and 1.0.


Source code (UnigineScript)
forloop(int i = 0; 4) {
result is:
float: 0.510393
float: 0.638238
float: 0.406844
float: 0.407974

variable rand (variable from, variable to)

Generate a random value in range [to,from). For vectors values are obtained per component.


  • variable from - From value. Can be the following types:
  • variable to - To value. Can be the following types:
    • int, long, float or double if the first argument is either int, float or double.
    • string if the first argument is int:
      • If a string is empty, it will equal to int(0).
      • If a string is nonempty, it will equal to int(1).
    • vec3 or dvec3 if the first argument is vec3
    • vec4 or dvec4 if the first argument is vec4
    • dvec3 if the first argument is dvec3
    • dvec4 if the first argument is dvec4
    • ivec3 if the first argument is ivec3
    • ivec4 if the first argument is ivec4

Return value

A pseudo-random number between from and to.


Source code (UnigineScript)
result is:
int: 1
float: 1.5561
vec3: 0.19138 1.81164 -0.688218

void srand (int seed)

Set a new sequence of random numbers. Function calls system srand() function.


  • int seed - Seed value for system random number generator.
Last update: 2017-07-03
Build: ()