CadImporter 插件
Out-of-the-box the Import System includes the CadImporter plugin that allows importing of CAD models.开箱即用导入系统包括允许导入 CAD 模型的 CadImporter 插件。
To use the CadImporter plugin, just load it via the plugin_load console command or the following command line option on the application start-up:要使用 CadImporter 插件,只需在应用程序启动时通过 plugin_load 控制台命令或以下命令行选项加载它:
-extern_plugin UnigineCadImporter
Compile CadImporter编译 CadImporter#
If you somehow change or extend the CadImporter plugin, you should recompile it before running to make the changes available.如果您以某种方式更改或扩展了 CadImporter 插件,您应该在运行之前重新编译它以使更改可用。
Open CASCADE sources (ver. 7.6.3) are required for recompiling the CadImporter plugin:重新编译 CadImporter 插件需要 Open CASCADE v.7.6.3 源:
- Get the Open CASCADE 7.6.3 sources.获取 Open CASCADE 7.6.3 源。
- Build the Open CASCADE static libraries from the source code according to the instructions.根据源代码构建 Open CASCADE 静态库说明。
- Copy the compiled libraries and the include directory to D:/OpenCascade/v7.6.3/.将编译后的库和 include 目录复制到 D:/OpenCascade/v7.6.3/。
- Set the path to OpenCascade (D:/OpenCascade/) in the UNIGINE_OPENCASCADE environment variable.在 UNIGINE_OPENCASCADE 环境变量中设置路径为 (D:/OpenCascade/)。
Compile the plugin in one of the following ways:通过以下方式之一编译插件:
By using the build script:通过使用构建脚本:
命令行C:\UnigineSDK\source> --plugin CadImporter
- Via Microsoft Visual Studio: go to <UnigineSDK>\source\plugins\Import\CadImporter, open the cadimporter_vs2015.vcxproj project and build it.通过Microsoft Visual Studio:转到<UnigineSDK>\source\plugins\Import\CadImporter,打开cadimporter_vs2015.vcxproj项目并构建它。
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