Players are cameras creating viewports into the world:
Player Actor is a player with a rigid physical body that can only walk on the ground.
Player Dummy is a simple viewport into the world that has no physical properties and cannot collide with objects.
Player Persecutor is a free flying camera without a physical body that follows the target node at the specified distance. It can collide with objects but cannot interact with them.
Player Spectator is a free flying camera without a physical body that is used to create a spectator mode. It can collide with objects but cannot push or interact with them.
See Also
There are other types of cameras not present in the Editor but can be controlled by the code:
- A Player class to edit all kinds of players via UnigineScript
- An Unigine::Player class to edit all kinds of players via C++ API
Editing Players
For all players listed above, there is the set of common settings. They can be changed on the Player tab of the Nodes window:
A Player Tab
Setting Bit Masks
A set of bit-masks available for the player:
Viewport | A viewport mask, specifying objects that can be seen in the camera's viewport. |
Reflection | A reflection mask, specifying if the reflections will be rendered into the camera's viewport. |
Source | A sound source mask, specifying what sound channels are played for this camera. |
Reverb | A reverberation mask, specifying what reverberations are played for this camera. |
Viewing Frustum Parameters
Parameters defining a camera's viewing frustum:
Field of View | The vertical player's field of view, in degrees. |
Near Clipping | The distance to the near clipping plane of the player's viewing frustum, in units. |
Far Clipping | The distance to the far clipping plane of the player's viewing frustum, in units. |
Last update: 03.07.2017
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