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Продвинутый уровень
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Unigine::VRBone Class

Header: #include <UnigineVRHandTracking.h>

VRBone Class

Перечисления (Enums)


TYPE_PALM = 0Palm bone.
TYPE_WRIST = 1Wrist bone.
TYPE_THUMB_METACARPAL = 2Thumb metacarpal bone.
TYPE_THUMB_PROXIMAL = 3Thumb proximal bone.
TYPE_THUMB_DISTAL = 4Thumb distal bone.
TYPE_THUMB_TIP = 5Thumb tip bone.
TYPE_INDEX_METACARPAL = 6Index finger metacarpal bone.
TYPE_INDEX_PROXIMAL = 7Index finger proximal bone.
TYPE_INDEX_INTERMEDIATE = 8Index finger intermediate bone.
TYPE_INDEX_DISTAL = 9Index finger distal bone.
TYPE_INDEX_TIP = 10Index finger tip bone.
TYPE_MIDDLE_METACARPAL = 11Middle finger metacarpal bone.
TYPE_MIDDLE_PROXIMAL = 12Middle finger proximal bone.
TYPE_MIDDLE_INTERMEDIATE = 13Middle finger intermediate bone.
TYPE_MIDDLE_DISTAL = 14Middle finger distal bone.
TYPE_MIDDLE_TIP = 15Middle finger tip bone.
TYPE_RING_METACARPAL = 16Ring finger metacarpal bone.
TYPE_RING_PROXIMAL = 17Ring finger proximal bone.
TYPE_RING_INTERMEDIATE = 18Ring finger intermediate bone.
TYPE_RING_DISTAL = 19Ring finger distal bone.
TYPE_RING_TIP = 20Ring finger tip bone.
TYPE_LITTLE_METACARPAL = 21Little finger metacarpal bone.
TYPE_LITTLE_PROXIMAL = 22Little finger proximal bone.
TYPE_LITTLE_INTERMEDIATE = 23Little finger intermediate bone.
TYPE_LITTLE_DISTAL = 24Little finger distal bone.
TYPE_LITTLE_TIP = 25Little finger tip bone.
NUM_TYPES = 26Total number of hand bones.


const char * getName() const#

Returns the current hand bone name.

Return value

Current name of the hand bone.

VRBone::TYPE getType() const#

Returns the current hand bone type.

Return value

Current Hand bone type, one of the VRBone::TYPE values.

bool isTransformValid() const#

Returns the current value indicating if the bone transformation is valid.

Return value

true if the bone transformation is valid; otherwise false.

bool isVelocityValid() const#

Returns the current value indicating if the bone velocity is valid.

Return value

true if the bone velocity is valid is enabled; otherwise false.

Math::mat4 getTransform() const#

Returns the current transformation of the bone in local coordinates relative to the parent node.

Return value

Current local transformation of the bone.

Math::Mat4 getWorldTransform() const#

Returns the current transformation of the bone in world coordinates.

Return value

Current world transformation of the bone.

Math::vec3 getWorldLinearVelocity() const#

Returns the current linear velocity of the bone.

Return value

Current linear velocity of the bone.

Math::vec3 getWorldAngularVelocity() const#

Returns the current angular velocity of the bone.

Return value

Current angular velocity of the bone.

Math::vec3 getWorldAngularAcceleration() const#

Returns the current angular acceleration of the bone.

Return value

Current angular acceleration of the bone.

float getRadius() const#

Returns the current radius of the bone.

Return value

Current radius of the bone.

Ptr<VRBone> getParent() const#

Returns the current parent of the bone.

Return value

Current parent of the bone.

int getNumChildren() const#

Returns the current total number of children for the bone.

Return value

Current total number of children for the bone.

Ptr<VRBone> getChild ( int i ) #

Returns the child hand bone by its index.


  • int i - Child index.

Return value

Hand bone.

void renderBasis ( ) const#

Enables the visualizer for the basis of each hand bone. This option requires the bone visualizer to be enabled.

void renderVelocity ( ) const#

Enables the visualizer for the velocity vectors of each hand bone. This option requires the bone visualizer to be enabled.

void renderVisualizer ( const Math::vec4 & color ) const#

Enables the bone visualizer. This option requires the visualizer mode to be enabled.


  • const Math::vec4 & color - Visualizer color.
Last update: 16.10.2024
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