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Продвинутый уровень
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Программирование на C#
Профессиональный уровень (SIM)
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Свойства (properties)
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Браузер SDK 2
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Редактор UnigineEditor
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Контроль версий
Настройки и предпочтения
Работа с проектами
Настройка параметров ноды
Setting Up Materials
Настройка свойств
Использование инструментов редактора для конкретных задач
Расширение функционала редактора
Встроенные объекты
Ноды (Nodes)
Объекты (Objects)
Источники света
Звуковые объекты
Объекты поиска пути
Настройка среды разработки
Примеры использования
Унифицированный язык шейдеров UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
Форматы файлов
Материалы и шейдеры
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Интерфейс пользователя (GUI)
Двойная точность координат
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Animations-Related Classes
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Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Работа с контентом
Оптимизация контента
Визуальный редактор материалов
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Учебные материалы


Этот раздел содержит настройки, связанные с потоковой передачей ресурсов.

Streaming settings

Настройки стриминга
Free Space VRAM
Консольная команда: render_streaming_free_space_vram (API)
Free Space RAM
Консольная команда: render_streaming_free_space_ram (API)
Usage Limit VRAM
Консольная команда: render_streaming_usage_limit_vram (API)
Usage Limit RAM
Консольная команда: render_streaming_usage_limit_ram (API)
Particles Memory Limit cache memory limit for vertices of particle systems, in percentage of the total GPU memory.
Setting a too low limit for a huge number of particle systems in the scene may lead to rendering only some of them.

Диапазон значений: [0, 100]. Значение по умолчанию : 3.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_particles_memory_limit (API)


Compile Mode compilation mode for shaders that are used in the loaded world. The following modes are available:
  • Async - asynchronous shaders compilation.
  • Force - forced compilation of shaders required for each frame at ones.
Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_shaders_compile_mode (API)


Loading time limit for loading graphics resources, in milliseconds per frame. Increasing the limit leads to increasing the streaming performance. However, memory consumption also increases due to a decrease in the resource loading speed.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 1.0f.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_budget_loading (API)
Textures Destroy time limit for deleting textures, in milliseconds per frame. The Engine will distribute the textures cleanup process by the required number frames in order to not exceed the time limit. The number of frames will also depend on the amount of content in the scene and the computing capacity. Increasing the limit leads to increasing the streaming performance. However, memory consumption also increases due to a decrease in the texture unloading speed.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.1f.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_budget_destroy_textures (API)
Meshes Destroy time limit for deleting meshes, in milliseconds per frame. The Engine will distribute the meshes cleanup process by the required number frames in order to not exceed the time limit. The number of frames will also depend on the amount of content in the scene and the computing capacity. Increasing the limit leads to increasing the streaming performance. However, memory consumption also increases due to a decrease in the mesh unloading speed.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.1f.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_budget_destroy_meshes (API)
Графические ресурсы регулярно проверяются на предмет их изменения, для обеспечения их своевременной перезагрузки или удаления.


Streaming Mode streaming mode for textures. The following modes are available:
  • Async - asynchronous loading of textures.
  • Force - force-loading of textures required for each frame at ones.
Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_streaming_textures_mode (API)
Консольная команда: render_streaming_textures_mipmaps (API)
Mipmaps Density
Консольная команда: render_streaming_textures_mipmaps_density (API)

Meshes GPU#

Streaming Mode streaming mode for loading meshes to video memory (VRAM). The following modes are available:
  • Async - asynchronous loading of meshes.
  • Force - force-loading of meshes required for the current frame at once.
  • All - loading all meshes available in the project on the application start-up. This mode is good for small projects with few meshes.
Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_mode_vram (API)
Memory Limit memory limit used for loading meshes to video memory (VRAM). This is a recommended value to aim for. So, it can be exceeded if meshes are required to render the current frame. The memory limit is associated with the lifetime: meshes are deleted from VRAM only when both values are exceeded.
Диапазон значений: [0, 100]. Значение по умолчанию : 4.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_limit_vram (API)
Life Time lifetime of meshes in video memory since the last time they were accessed. The engine deletes meshes after this time only if the specified VRAM limit is also exceeded.
Диапазон значений: [0, 60]. Значение по умолчанию : 4.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_life_time_vram (API)

Meshes CPU#

Streaming Mode streaming mode for loading meshes to memory (RAM). The following modes are available:
  • Async - asychronous loading of meshes.
  • Force - force-loading of meshes required for the current frame at once.
  • All - loading all meshes available in the project on the application start-up. This mode is good for small projects with few meshes.
Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_mode_ram (API)
Memory Limit memory limit used for loading meshes to memory (RAM). This is a recommended value to aim for. So, it can be exceeded if meshes are required for the current frame. The memory limit is associated with the lifetime: meshes are deleted from RAM only when both values are exceeded.
Диапазон значений: [1, 100]. Значение по умолчанию : 5.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_limit_ram (API)
Life Time lifetime of meshes in memory since the last time they were accessed. The engine deletes meshes after this time only if the RAM limit is also exceeded.
Диапазон значений: [1, 60]. Значение по умолчанию : 20.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_life_time_ram (API)

Prefetch CPU#

Collision Mode mode of asynchronous pre-loading of meshes to memory before they are used. Pre-loading is available only for meshes, which have at least one surface with the Collision flag set. There are 3 modes of loading such meshes to RAM:
  • Disable - loading is disabled.
  • Radius - meshes within the prefetch radius are loaded.
  • Full - all meshes with the Collision flag are loaded.
This method should be used when the Async streaming mode for meshes is set. Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_prefetch_collision (API)
Intersection Mode mode of asynchronous pre-loading of meshes into memory before they are used. Pre-loading is available only for meshes, which have at least one surface with the Intersection flag set. There are 3 modes of loading such meshes to RAM:
  • Disable - loading is disabled.
  • Radius - all meshes within the prefetch radius are loaded.
  • Full - all meshes with the Intersection flag are loaded.
This method should be used when the Async streaming mode for meshes is set. Опция #1 установлена по умолчанию (см. выше).
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_prefetch_intersection (API)
Radius radius within which meshes are pre-loaded into memory. The value should exceed the physics radius (for collisions) and/or the radius within which intersections are calculated.
Диапазон значений: [0.0f, inf]. Значение по умолчанию : 0.0f.
Консольная команда: render_streaming_meshes_prefetch_radius (API)
Последнее обновление: 16.09.2024
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