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Продвинутый уровень
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Unigine::ObjectLandscapeTerrain Class

Header: #include <UnigineObjects.h>
Inherits from: Object

This class is used to create and manage Landscape Terrain object and its detail masks.

ObjectLandscapeTerrain Class


ObjectLandscapeTerrain ( ) #

The ObjectLandscapeTerrain constructor.

void setActiveTerrain ( bool enabled ) #

Sets a value indicating if the landscape terrain is active.


  • bool enabled - true to set the landscape terrain as active, false - to set it as inactive.

bool isActiveTerrain ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the landscape terrain is active.

Return value

true if the landscape terrain is active; otherwise, false.

void setIntersectionPrecision ( float begin ) #

Sets a new precision value to be used for intersection detection.


  • float begin - Precision for intersection detection as a fraction of maximum precision in the [0; 1] range. The default value is 0.5f. Maximum precision is determined by the Engine on the basis of the data of your Landscape Terrain.

float getIntersectionPrecision ( ) #

Returns the current precision value used for intersection detection.

Return value

Precision for intersection detection as a fraction of maximum precision in the [0; 1] range. The default value is 0.5f. Maximum precision is determined by the Engine on the basis of the data of your Landscape Terrain.

int getNumDetailMasks ( ) #

Returns the total number of detail masks of the landscape terrain.

Return value

Total number of detail masks of the landscape terrain.

Ptr<TerrainDetailMask> getDetailMask ( int num ) #

Returns the detail mask by its index. The number of detail masks is fixed and is equal to 20.


  • int num - Detail mask index in the [0; 19] range.

Return value

Detail mask having the specified index.

Ptr<TerrainDetailMask> getDetailMaskSortRender ( int num ) #

Returns the detail mask by its rendering order. The number of detail masks is fixed and is equal to 20, masks rendering order is back to front.


  • int num - Detail mask rendering order, in the [0; 19] range.

Return value

Detail mask having the specified rendering order.

Ptr<TerrainDetailMask> findDetailMask ( const char * name ) #

Returns a child detail's number by its name. The search is performed among the immediate children only.


  • const char * name - Detail mask name.

Return value

Detail mask having the specified name (if it exists); otherwise, nullptr.

void getDetailMasks ( const Vector< Ptr<TerrainDetailMask> > & masks ) #

Builds the list of all detail masks of the landscape terrain and puts them to the specified buffer. The number of detail masks is fixed and is equal to 20.


void getDetailMasksSortRender ( const Vector< Ptr<TerrainDetailMask> > & masks ) #

Builds the list of all detail masks of the landscape terrain according to their rendering order (back to front) and puts them to the specified buffer. The number of detail masks is fixed and is equal to 20.


long long getLastStreamingFrame ( ) const#

Returns the number of the frame when the last commit to the Virtual Texture was performed. This method enables you to check if the Landscape Terrain data is loaded completely at the moment (the Virtual Texture is created and the last commit to it is already applied).
Source code (C++)
#include "AppWorldLogic.h"
#include <UnigineWorld.h>
#include <UnigineGame.h>

using namespace Unigine;
ObjectLandscapeTerrainPtr terrain;

int AppWorldLogic::init()
	terrain = checked_ptr_cast<ObjectLandscapeTerrain>(World::getNodeByName("ObjectLandscapeTerrain"));
	return 1;

int AppWorldLogic::update()
	if (!terrain.isValid())
		return 1;
	int64_t last_commit_frame = terrain->getLastStreamingFrame();
	if (last_commit_frame == -1)
		Log::message("The Virtual Texture is not created yet\n");
		return 1;
		// not ready
	if ((Game::getFrame() - last_commit_frame) > 45)
		Log::message("Virtual Texture update is completed (all commits are applied)\n");
		// ...
		Log::message("Virtual Texture update is pending (commit_frame = %d)\n", last_commit_frame);
		// ...
	return 1;

Return value

Number of the last streaming frame.

static int type ( ) #

Returns the type of the node.

Return value

ObjectLandscapeTerrain type identifier.
Last update: 16.08.2024
Build: ()